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Buying Tickets


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Hi all, I am just about to buy a ticket online for tomorrows game but I'm wondering how it all works. If I buy a ticket using my debit card how do I go about getting my ticket tomorrow?

I live in Cardiff and have not been able to get to the gate for almost 4 years now and it's driving me nuts missing going to the games. The Mrs is 9 months pregnant and due to go at any moment so we're doing the journey together but only I am watching the game (she's off to my nans). I don't want to spend £25-30 on a ticket without having a clue where I pick it up etc and so much has changed since I last went that I'm a little lost.

So... if I buy online where do I get my ticket? What information do I need? and most importantly, which stand is best to watch the game from? I've always sat in the Dolman before now but it'd be nice to be in a part with a bit of atmosphere seeing as it's my first game in so long.

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Dolman for the best view

To buy online you'll need your card details. You'll also need to setup an online account. This close to the game you will pick your tickets up from the ticket office of the stand you choose to sit in. Bring your booking form (emailed to you on completion) just in case there's a problem

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Williams, block F.

I'd call Chapman mate, alot easier, but yeah, ask for Williams block F - get atmosphere from east end, right by away fans, very good view, and its un-allocated, sit where you like.

Is this "CAMZ"?

Travelling on the train from Cardiff too and picking up

my ticket also. You pick up your ticket from 12/12:30 at te Dolman ticket office situated outside the Dolman side of the Atyeo.

Hope this helps

Hmm I may go for Dolman (as I know it a little better) and the ticket office you're talking about is the one on the left as you come through the gates on the left side of the Atyeo right?

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