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Have you seen the proposed anti-democratisation of the Internet by Google?

Google propose to charge more to people who want quicker Internet access. Or more precisely they are contracting Verizon to give Google better Internet speeds. This can only mean one thing. The Internet will become a place where the rich can prosper and the poor and disadvantaged can....go to hell.

This is a very Bad Thing. I cannot stress strongly enough just how bad this could become.

I urge everyone to contact Google and Verizon to tell them that they will cease to be used if they go down this path.

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Yea there is an ISP dunno who I forget, anyway... I read they are charging more for "priority" speeds and bandwidth for gamers.

So If I'm doing my work and some little scrote down the street is playing online he get priority over me. Great. That'll help the recovery.

Whats more important, me trying to make money and pay tax for the UK or some little druggy 18 yr old waister playing his shit Xbox live?

What a great country.

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