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Dolman Block A


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I think the old geezer you're on about was sitting next to me.

I think the lads started having a pop at the people leaving early, and the bloke next to me kicked off saying "if they want to leave let them."

All verbals though he started saying oooh im gonna lay into these lads and never did!

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well the young man in the city shirt is my best mate what happened was people were leaving early and about 6 of us were shouting we don't want part timers like you at this club a couple of lads started saying you can leave when you want paid good money we said you should get behind the team and they started being abusive he had to be restrained before he lost his cool completely full facts.

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well the young man in the city shirt is my best mate what happened was people were leaving early and about 6 of us were shouting we don't want part timers like you at this club a couple of lads started saying you can leave when you want paid good money we said you should get behind the team and they started being abusive he had to be restrained before he lost his cool completely full facts.

Not suprised they got abusive. Who wants a bunch of superfans chirping crap at them?

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well the young man in the city shirt is my best mate what happened was people were leaving early and about 6 of us were shouting we don't want part timers like you at this club a couple of lads started saying you can leave when you want paid good money we said you should get behind the team and they started being abusive he had to be restrained before he lost his cool completely full facts.

sory for not being a happy clapper, but what the hell is the point in cheering the team when they are 3-0 down with minutes to go?

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sory for not being a happy clapper, but what the hell is the point in cheering the team when they are 3-0 down with minutes to go?

To be honest ... I started to head out with 5 mins to go... Pointless staying till the end as we weren't going to get anything out of the game ....

Pretty sure I wasn't going to see us score ....

And the team didn't deserve to be applauded off ... So I beat the rush !!

However you wouldn't catch me leaving at 60 minutes like some !!!

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To all of you that want to leave early just ask anyone that sits in the first 4 rows and dont want to leave early what they think.

I'll tell you what I think.

I sat there on Saturday and, as usual, from about 15 minutes before the end, the stream of people trying to get out, blocking my view, my 9 year olds view, everyones view.

I thought, what a bunch of rude, inconsiderate ***** you are.

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well the young man in the city shirt is my best mate what happened was people were leaving early and about 6 of us were shouting we don't want part timers like you at this club a couple of lads started saying you can leave when you want paid good money we said you should get behind the team and they started being abusive he had to be restrained before he lost his cool completely full facts.

You're a *****

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The 6 or so guys were shouting and swearing and people leaving early, the guy in the green polo is a top bloke who normally sits near me but was in block A for the first game, stood up and told the young lads to button it as it is up to people if they want to leave early. In all fairness the guy in green has been coming to city for over 20 years and it p***ed him off to see young kids acting like they were.

I did laugh though as the young Mika lookalike ran over to block A , got to the guy and just stood there in his winkle pickers offering him out knowing that his 6 mates would back him up . What a ****

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I could have had a row with some bloke and his crew behind me, using the word cockney C***s on more than one occassion, with lots of kids sat around that area, including my son. WTF are stewards going to do about it? The gang behind me were all singing Eastend Boot walk and obviously didnt want to be in the dolman.

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It's a football stadium not a church, swearing happens.

Kids should be in the family stand if they don't like it.

I saw the row and it was all OTT, the guy in green had no reason to get involved and the main shouty boy looked like he was about to have a heart attack!

Calm down dears

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It annoys me when people leave early (and when i say early, I mean at 60 minutes like in this incident) But not so much anymore...

if they want to go home, let them... the more who leave early the easier it is for me to get out at the end of the game!!! and its money in the coffers... all goes toward the club so... Job's a good'un.

The incident looked pretty dull, the lad without a belt sat with his dad was getting really riled, screaming abuse at the leaving fans, and the Grey haired bloke who usually sits in the B block took exception.

storm in a tea cup really, but the kid without the belt looked like he was shitting himself when they walked across the block to discuss the matter further!

worst thing about it was, It stole my attention from the game, and I missed Jamo's awesome save :disapointed2se:

Makes a change for the B block not to be involved :innocent06:

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