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Club Wound Up


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Typical HMRC, they were an easy target. There would be very little supporter backlash. Sooner or later they will have to go after one of bigger league clubs. The question that should really be asked is how on earth can HMRC allow a football club to be many millions of pounds in arrers with its taxes. At a rough guess because Pompeys taxes will only be paid in part,was'nt it 20p in the pound on a debt of 30 million + meas they pay about 6mil. How can they allow themselves not to be classed as preferencial. Football debts have to be paid in full why not the treasury. Only time will tell.

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Typical HMRC, they were an easy target. There would be very little supporter backlash. Sooner or later they will have to go after one of bigger league clubs. The question that should really be asked is how on earth can HMRC allow a football club to be many millions of pounds in arrers with its taxes. At a rough guess because Pompeys taxes will only be paid in part,was'nt it 20p in the pound on a debt of 30 million + meas they pay about 6mil. How can they allow themselves not to be classed as preferencial. Football debts have to be paid in full why not the treasury. Only time will tell.

Much as I hate to defend HMRC - it's the courts that make the decision, I think HMRC chased Cardiff and Portsmouth as hard as they could.

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Here we go again.

There is nothing glorious in Administration whatsoever. The clubs who don't get extensions, don't get them because there is clearly no confidence that they will ever pay their debt's off.

The difference with Cardiff is that clearly the courts trusted the clubs refinancing schedule and believed that the club would pay it's debts.

As much as I understand the parochial desire to see Cardiff fail, the club going into administration would not be in anyone's interests apart from the previous owners who would effectively be given a get out of jail free card.

As it has turned out, Motherwell have received their £150,000, whereas if CCFC wen't into administration they may have received a tenth of that figure. Likewise, all the other companies that CCFC were in debt to.

Cardiff city were mismanaged for years, but if they can pay their debts (which they are now doing at a steady pace) then they should be supported in doing so.

The same principle would apply to BCFC, or Smith and Jones Painters and Decorators.

I agree, it may on the surface seem unfair on Chester FC and the like, but that's the way things go. It's pretty understandable that HMRC are going to have more confidence in a club like Cardiff with 15,000 season ticket holders being able to manage their repayments better than a club like Chester with probably 500 season ticket holders.

I know people here don't like Cardiff City, but as citizens, tax payers, and presumably some of you as business owners, you should recognise that in this case the tolerance shown by HMRC has produced a good result for all involved.

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Much as I hate to defend HMRC - it's the courts that make the decision, I think HMRC chased Cardiff and Portsmouth as hard as they could.

I accept that the courts are partly responsible for the outcome, however HMRC should never allow Football Clubs or any other organisation to build up such excesive debts. I hardly think they would allow you or I to owe them anywhere near 10k let alone 30mil. Whats going on now with HMRC and the individuals that have underpaid by no faught of there own are being persued, the reason being we are all easy targets.

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The real scandal is Portsmouth, 130 million debts and today admit to being able to pay £19,000 a week to Liam Lawrence and £20,000 a week to Kitson and saying as long as their wages average £10,000 per player per week they are ok with that.

I wonder how many small business's are owed what amounts to one weeks wages to either of these failed Premier League players or even owed what amounts to an average Portmouth's player wage.

The news that they have had £1 million bid for Austin turned down beggars belief.

Whatever way it is scandalous.

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Another club.

Ilkeston Town wound up over a 50k debt. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-11231856.

This is seriously getting out of control now and its pissing me off. Chester was wound up, over on the grand scale of things what you would call a piss pot debt.

Scarborough FC was wound up in 2007 over 2.5million pounds worth of debt. A lot of money granted, but again on the grand scheme not much.

Last year a norfolk based non-league team Kings Lynn got wound up over a mere 67k.

Other historic clubs such as Southampton, Sheffield Wednesday, Crystal-Palace, Southend and even Preston have recently been threatened with winding up orders.

All of this happening when some players are on between 30-60k a week. Without picking out any individual players, because there all overpaid prima-donnas who dont earn there keep( let alone the air they breathe ) , if Rooney took 2 weeks of his wages he could of saved both Ilkeston, Kings Lynn and probably even Gretna from winding up orders.

One man city player is rumoured to be on 220k a week depending on which rag you believe. If he would of sacrificed 11 weeks wages, Scarborough may well of still been playing now. He can of course keep his 9.2 million that he would earn for the other 41 weeks of the year.

Now ime estimating Chester's debt to have been in the region of lets say 1 million ( SEVERELY SEVERELY OVERESTIMATING ), so all clubs wound up above i make there cumulative debts round about 3.6 - 3.7 million.

If 30 of the top PremierShit players donated 2.3k of there wages a week for a year( Considering most are on 20k + ), the above wound up clubs could still exist.

Getting back to the point. Why this is allowed to happen when franchises such as Manchester UTD are in 1.1 BILLION in debt. Pompey over 100 million and Liverpool in 472 million is well beyond me and completely baffling.

Its a ******* disgrace and smacks of double standards, wonky priveliges and corupt financial backers who shouldnt be allowed near a bubblegum machine let alone a football club.

Peter Ridsdale, Sam Hammam, Mike Ashley but a few to mention.

One of the main problems is that in modern football as FIFA like to call it, clubs are plagued by the sugar daddy types that like to 'own a football club' as a side order to their oil industry, F1 team or in general as it turns out lately, shoddy second rate businesses that have gone to the wall first.

You only have to look at Karl Oyston, ex Blackpool chairman as a perfect example of the latter.

In hindsight ( a wonderful thing ) SKY was one of the aggressors in this whole fiasco.

The newly formed 'Premier league' was formed to basicly suck all of the money from the lower leagues and the rest of the pyramid whichever way you sugar coat it.

SKY exploited this with a tv rights deal worth 190million for the first 5 years. 2007 - 2010 between SKY and the now gone Setanta the rights contract was worth 1.7 BILLION.

Basicly, lower league clubs go **** yourself, fans included.

The knock on effect down the leagues is massive. Ask a chester fan when you see one.

Many fans have been priced out of watching there local club now. My beloved team will cost me 26quid to see, only a championship or old division 2 side but still i get robbed. Ive seen PremierShit ticket stubs with over 60quid printed on them. And thats not for hospitality seats either.

In a nutshell, little clubs are screwed. When i say little clubs i mean clubs as big as Watford and Bradford ( shining example ). My club is currently running at a 6.5 million pound loss last year, as opposed to the 2million the year before.

Not massive but next season itl be at least double. I genuinely fear for the future of my beloved club, even though they got a die hard city fan as a chairman, not an oil tycoon.

Football is well and truely rodded. Which we all knew anyway. A beautiful game that we invented, ruined by money grabbing bastards, sponsorship, corporate deals, incompetent buffoons, TV rights and a general clutch of incompetent bastards.

Even though i wasnt even thought of at the time........

Bring back 11 players and 1 sub, pitches like swamps, Grandstand once a week( good old Des! ) 2 pound + economy inflation ( not meathead player inflation ) to get into the ground, TERRACES ( you can thank Thatcher for that one ( blame the Taylor Report if you like but it was her 'tithat army' that caused the crush - i wont say no more) ), the football special train, football made of rubber, football boots made of asbestos AND least but not last, eatable pies!

On behalf of all supporters of most clubs below the PremierShit and someway to a degree a few clubs within the Premiershit and most of all, the clubs mentioned up top that are sadly no longer with us...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


VIVA la plastic all seater bowl stadiums.

VIVA la 500 quid for a ticket.

VIVA la sit down and shut the **** up for 90 mins.

VIVA la school kids following the big 4

ps.... dear Platini... this christmas i want a wage cap, a transfer cap, a foreign player cap, a 'fit and proper persons test' that works ( how the **** did ashley and ridsdale pass that), a system where clubs can only spend what they earn + a given amount of sugar daddy money.

over and out

R.I.P Football...

My figures are probably more than iffy but the principle remains the same.

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Guest Parson St Station

Another club.

Ilkeston Town wound up over a 50k debt. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-11231856.

This is seriously getting out of control now and its pissing me off. Chester was wound up, over on the grand scale of things what you would call a piss pot debt.

Scarborough FC was wound up in 2007 over 2.5million pounds worth of debt. A lot of money granted, but again on the grand scheme not much.

Last year a norfolk based non-league team Kings Lynn got wound up over a mere 67k.

Other historic clubs such as Southampton, Sheffield Wednesday, Crystal-Palace, Southend and even Preston have recently been threatened with winding up orders.

All of this happening when some players are on between 30-60k a week. Without picking out any individual players, because there all overpaid prima-donnas who dont earn there keep( let alone the air they breathe ) , if Rooney took 2 weeks of his wages he could of saved both Ilkeston, Kings Lynn and probably even Gretna from winding up orders.

One man city player is rumoured to be on 220k a week depending on which rag you believe. If he would of sacrificed 11 weeks wages, Scarborough may well of still been playing now. He can of course keep his 9.2 million that he would earn for the other 41 weeks of the year.

Now ime estimating Chester's debt to have been in the region of lets say 1 million ( SEVERELY SEVERELY OVERESTIMATING ), so all clubs wound up above i make there cumulative debts round about 3.6 - 3.7 million.

If 30 of the top PremierShit players donated 2.3k of there wages a week for a year( Considering most are on 20k + ), the above wound up clubs could still exist.

Getting back to the point. Why this is allowed to happen when franchises such as Manchester UTD are in 1.1 BILLION in debt. Pompey over 100 million and Liverpool in 472 million is well beyond me and completely baffling.

Its a ******* disgrace and smacks of double standards, wonky priveliges and corupt financial backers who shouldnt be allowed near a bubblegum machine let alone a football club.

Peter Ridsdale, Sam Hammam, Mike Ashley but a few to mention.

One of the main problems is that in modern football as FIFA like to call it, clubs are plagued by the sugar daddy types that like to 'own a football club' as a side order to their oil industry, F1 team or in general as it turns out lately, shoddy second rate businesses that have gone to the wall first.

You only have to look at Karl Oyston, ex Blackpool chairman as a perfect example of the latter.

In hindsight ( a wonderful thing ) SKY was one of the aggressors in this whole fiasco.

The newly formed 'Premier league' was formed to basicly suck all of the money from the lower leagues and the rest of the pyramid whichever way you sugar coat it.

SKY exploited this with a tv rights deal worth 190million for the first 5 years. 2007 - 2010 between SKY and the now gone Setanta the rights contract was worth 1.7 BILLION.

Basicly, lower league clubs go **** yourself, fans included.

The knock on effect down the leagues is massive. Ask a chester fan when you see one.

Many fans have been priced out of watching there local club now. My beloved team will cost me 26quid to see, only a championship or old division 2 side but still i get robbed. Ive seen PremierShit ticket stubs with over 60quid printed on them. And thats not for hospitality seats either.

In a nutshell, little clubs are screwed. When i say little clubs i mean clubs as big as Watford and Bradford ( shining example ). My club is currently running at a 6.5 million pound loss last year, as opposed to the 2million the year before.

Not massive but next season itl be at least double. I genuinely fear for the future of my beloved club, even though they got a die hard city fan as a chairman, not an oil tycoon.

Football is well and truely rodded. Which we all knew anyway. A beautiful game that we invented, ruined by money grabbing bastards, sponsorship, corporate deals, incompetent buffoons, TV rights and a general clutch of incompetent bastards.

Even though i wasnt even thought of at the time........

Bring back 11 players and 1 sub, pitches like swamps, Grandstand once a week( good old Des! ) 2 pound + economy inflation ( not meathead player inflation ) to get into the ground, TERRACES ( you can thank Thatcher for that one ( blame the Taylor Report if you like but it was her 'tithat army' that caused the crush - i wont say no more) ), the football special train, football made of rubber, football boots made of asbestos AND least but not last, eatable pies!

On behalf of all supporters of most clubs below the PremierShit and someway to a degree a few clubs within the Premiershit and most of all, the clubs mentioned up top that are sadly no longer with us...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


VIVA la plastic all seater bowl stadiums.

VIVA la 500 quid for a ticket.

VIVA la sit down and shut the **** up for 90 mins.

VIVA la school kids following the big 4

ps.... dear Platini... this christmas i want a wage cap, a transfer cap, a foreign player cap, a 'fit and proper persons test' that works ( how the **** did ashley and ridsdale pass that), a system where clubs can only spend what they earn + a given amount of sugar daddy money.

over and out

R.I.P Football...

My figures are probably more than iffy but the principle remains the same.

That Sir is post of the decade.

I completely agree with every word.

Perhaps every football supporter in Britain should cut and paste this and post it to fifa. Via snail mail...can you imagine Platini with 20 million letters in his office!

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And I totally agree that small football clubs shouldn't be going to the wall over fees that top players earn in a week, but other than moving to North Korea, I'm not sure what the solution is to problems like this, which are far more reflective of modern society and economics than football.

If fans started supporting their local teams, rather than jumping on the prawn-eating bandwagon - with Essex lads supporting Man U and the like - it would be a start.

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Don't blame Sky for this mess - blame the clubs themselves. The Premier League was formed with the express purpose of negotiating TV deals separately from the rest of the league pyramid so that they didn't have to share it any more as they did when it was The Football League Divisions 1-4. Sky pays money to show football but it's not up to them how that money is then distributed throughout the football world - that's down to the Premier League and the greed of the top clubs. The original clubs in question that wanted to keep all the money to themselves were: Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Coventry City, Crystal Palace, Everton, Ipswich Town, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Norwich City, Nottingham Forest, Oldham Athletic, Queens Park Rangers, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur, and Wimbledon.

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Don't blame Sky for this mess - blame the clubs themselves. The Premier League was formed with the express purpose of negotiating TV deals separately from the rest of the league pyramid so that they didn't have to share it any more as they did when it was The Football League Divisions 1-4. Sky pays money to show football but it's not up to them how that money is then distributed throughout the football world - that's down to the Premier League and the greed of the top clubs. The original clubs in question that wanted to keep all the money to themselves were: Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Coventry City, Crystal Palace, Everton, Ipswich Town, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Norwich City, Nottingham Forest, Oldham Athletic, Queens Park Rangers, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur, and Wimbledon.

Here here,

Sky only showed them the promised land..............the clubs and players alike.....(and a majority of supporters when the going is good at their clubs) walked right through it and gorged themselves on the fruits of the money tree,,,,

I went to FGR last week and really enjoyed a 0-0 draw & relaxed atmos........no police videoing the crowd .....no Hitler like stewards watching you all game waiting for you to give them one good reason to steam in and eject you ...........no £3 HT pie.............everyone was helpful & friendly and smiling ..........even met some Leic City fans who had come down for the afternoon ...it was quite a pleasure............

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However much we all love football you have forgotten these clubs are businesses - I loved getting a pick and mix from woolies but it didnt stop it going bust did it. These clubs have a board of directors who are financially responsible to not run the clubs into debt and therefore risk them going out of business. How many of the fans on here who moan about all of this go into the club shop and buy a new strip every year, how many subscribe to Sky sports, how many come on this forum and moan because they want to see big player signings, managers sacked etc etc without thinking of the money consequences. Our club has run at a consistent loss for a few seasons now and only survives on our chairmans constant funding.

Will that stop people demanding bigger name signings or costly changes within our club? No of course it wont because the fans DEMAND it. How many fans would accept the chairman saying sorry no new players the company (which no matter how much you love it is what it is) has to make a profit?

So blame sky blame the players but how many of us (yes including me) are the cause as well

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I agree with you guys, but how do you explain:

Bradford Park Avenue

Newport County

Accrington Stanley

Leeds City

Football has always had dubious financial morals. In the past the fans paid and the money bypassed the players and went straight in the chairmans pocket.

It's gone too far the other way now of course, but personally I can't see that the blame can really be laid at Sky's door. I remember in the 1980's when football really was (literally) a dying sport, so while Sky and others have had inevitable negative consequences, overall they have been good for the game.

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Chester were wound up because the taxman wouldn't accept a voluntary arrangement to pay back £26,250!

Nonsense. This has come up before and I've corrected it before. That payment was just the tip of the iceberg - Chester's total debts were around £7m.

It should also be noted that the club has reformed as Chester F.C. 2010 (now playing in the Northern Premier League) - a similar scenario to Bristol City 1982 lest we forget. :glare:

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Just got back from Town (Cabot Circus). Walking around I spotted 3 Liverpool shirts, 2 Man U and 2 Chelsea. Also spotted a Dutch National Shirt but he could have been Dutch. Not one City or Rovers shirt the whole time.

This is a pet hate of mine!


Well at least they all spotted your City shirt.winner_third_h4h.gif

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