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Get Behind Millen.

BCFC Jordan

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I'm a bit annoyed with a lot of people for judging Millen after only a few games. It seems like people have forgotten what happened when he was in charge last season. We also have basically a whole new team who still aren't used to playing with eachother, especially after the late signings and injury returnees. I understand why some people were confused about some of the tactics last night with us starting with three defensive midfield players, but I can also understand why he didn't want to change a winning team even if it doesn't always work. If the same situation had happened with Coppell, I can't help but feel that people would be saying 'Coppell knows what he is doing' or 'It's the players faults not the manager' but just because Millen is a new manager he gets undeserved responses.

All managers have to start somewhere it's not always about getting the most experienced in and we all know Millen cares about the club a lot more than someone coming in from the outside. If the situation carries on with bad performances like last night still occurring, I would totally understand if Millen was getting the critics that he is getting at the moment, but after just four games in charge I feel it is unfair.

Now let's all get behind Millen and the lads for Saturday. :city:

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After seeing Millen compared to Watford Manager last night it looked like Millen doesnt know what else he can do... like i said in my other post there was no passion from him at all was as if he gave up, where as Watford Manager was non stop. dont know if anyone seen the Braga manager tonight when Arsenal was winning like 5 nil that was basically Millen's response. Then interview basically bounce back? BOUNCE BACK we need proper leadership ive allways said Hartley will be a miss old news now i know but there is no pasion out there. Get on the phone to Danny Shittu or Demerit get them in.

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After seeing Millen compared to Watford Manager last night it looked like Millen doesnt know what else he can do... like i said in my other post there was no passion from him at all was as if he gave up, where as Watford Manager was non stop. dont know if anyone seen the Braga manager tonight when Arsenal was winning like 5 nil that was basically Millen's response. Then interview basically bounce back? BOUNCE BACK we need proper leadership ive allways said Hartley will be a miss old news now i know but there is no pasion out there. "Get on the phone to Danny Shittu or Demerit get them in."

Why should we be the club to finally offer these players a contract as no 1 else will? there must be a reason as to why this is the case, plus they are both in there 30s and will only be looking for a retierment home.

Millen - I agree with you, he looked like a statue out there, you then look at malckay and hes shouting orders left right and centre and streight away you could see the difference as to why Millen isnt ready yet, thats jusy my opinion and im sure other will disagree.

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I'm with the OP on this one. We have to give him time. Yes things are dire and I was really pi$$ed off on Tuesday night but we are still only a few games into the season with a new set-up, big injury list and a traumatic start to the season.

Let's have a bit of patience, we are not Chelsea (or even Cardiff/QPR), we run to a budget which is already in the red and we have to work within our means. If we pick up some of our losses for the season early on then so be it. I would be happy to stay in the Championship and finish in the top ten for the next few years instead of ending up like Portsmouth/Hull etc. I know we all pay a lot of money for our season tickets and we think we deserve more, maybe we will get more but judge that at the end of the season.

We have to give Keith some time, get off of his back.

The players need to gel. I am still not sure what has happened to Hunt since the Blackpool game, I thought he looked very good there.

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I agree that we have to get behind Millen, there is no doubt he is City through and through and will be hurting badly at Tuesday's second half performance (let's not forget the first half was far from diabolical.)

I think in our squad there is a very, very good team. I like Cisse, think he will do a great job as defensive midfielder for us, and no doubt Adomah and Rose on the wings (with Haynes in the pipeline too & also JCR) will be very threatening. You can't argue with the options we have up front in Stead, Pitman, Vokes to come, Maynard to come etc. so if we can just get a partner for Cisse that creates then the future looks bright. I personally would like to see the old guard gone i.e. Elliott, Williams, Johnson ... not that they're bad players but they've proven over a long period of time, under several managers, that whilst good players they cannot take us any further. Maybe keep Johnno as a squad player while Skuse can do Cisse's job in case of injury.

So if somehow we can get one or two good consistent players from Nyatanga, Stewart, Fontaine & Hunt to go with Carey and Ribeiro, plus magic up a decent left back, we still have a promising future. James Wilson will hopefully be a long term rock at the back there too.

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I would be happy to stay in the Championship and finish in the top ten for the next few years instead of ending up like Portsmouth/Hull etc.

That reads like the worst that can happen is a few years in the top 10 (rather than promotion and subsequent relegation from the top flight)

Complacency ???

Look - we've taken 5 pts from 6 games and conceded 11 goals and the transfer window is shut - even if there was any money left.

That form equates to a 38 point finsh - a long way of the 50 pts safety target - so relegation form.

We'd all love a top 10 finish and everybody would take it now I think.

I'm behind Millen until it's shown he can't do the job (the same for any manager) and for me it is very early days -but there was some serious questions

about the performance on Tuesday

With no passers in midfield the ball was always going to go long in the air - which was playing to Watford's strengths , so why set up like that?

The substitute changes didn't change the shape or tactics but simply carried on with the same plan - which wasn't working - with different players.

I've a lot of sympathy for Keith because he's trying to recify a big mess that Coppell left us with in that he's stuck with Hunt, Stewart, and Cisse who frankly I don't think KM would have signed.

Saturday is now a huge game and he's got to get the team and tactics right this time.


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Yeah far too early to judge. The Copout incident must have shaken the team to the core. Followed by fairly inevitable defeats just adds to the already poor morale that we know the team is prone to.

Then you've got the injuries, the lack of time to gel... Would anyone seriously expect to be able to turn the team around in 4 games?

Millen never struck me as a passionate person. I wasn't in favour of his appointment but none of us really know his ability.

It's going to be another 10 games before we can judge with any certainty. Anyone remember Alex Ferguson's start at Man U?

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we've played 5 games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

er..six actually !

Someone said a while ago that we're on course for 38 pts & relegation, While I don't agree with that scenario the performance on Tues reminded me a bit of some of the games in the season under Osman when we went down, I believe that was our fourth season in the second tier too.

If we lose to Cov tomorrow might start to get a tad worried.

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