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The Crossbar Challenge


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No one will do it this season. I doubt more than a couple of people will even reach!

Went to S****horpe last week and they were doing cross bar challange at half time but they did it from the edge of the penalty area, much more chance of doing it from there, though no one did!!!!!

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Reckon after tuesdays efforts ( no offense to the lads that tried) they should have some kind of criteria to satisfy before having a go. I.E- Do you play a decent standard? who for ? etc etc, cause otherwise no-ones gonna get anywhere near it and its not that easy.

i think i can say, il do alot better than that. tho will get nowhere near the actual bar.

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As it appears DL is treating us to a different half time game every match this season, I just wonder what todays cringe worthy effort is going to be??? Try and hit row Z from anywhere along the 18 yard line - well a certain D.Stewart cannot do it for starters!!!

If it is the same game as Tuesday night, I wonder if the Highways agency have taken their signs back to use on the M5 that presumably DJ had picked up on his daily commute and lobbed in the back of the Discovery? You know the signs that were meant to be advertising the sponsors??

Whilst the half time game is the very LEAST of our priorities at present (and generally) lets abandon this ridiculous spectacle until at least we can devise something a little respectable and a competition which at least those who put themselves forward have a chance of winning.


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