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I Have Bristol City's Fifa Rating's Here!


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Evening all, I know a few of you might be wondering what stat's our boy's will be in Fifa11, well here's some uploaded images for you to have a gander at, nice to see Maynard get a 75!

Enjoy. :innocent06:

Bristol City




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It's as I expected really... no real complaints. Where did you get hold of it mate?

A mate of mine is a Manager at game and get's to play the game 4-5 day's early. I went round last night for a few games immense stuff, thursday night can't come soon enough for me!

good stuff dude. just a few questions which you may or may not know...

do you know what our overall team rating is? and are rose and caulker included in the city squad?

Caulker is 100% not in the team sadly likewise with rose I think, from what I remember we are 3*. Cardiff are by far the best in term's of rating's.

Cheers mate. Does DJ have his proper player face as in World Cup 2010?

Also do we have a proper GK shirt this year?

Sorry man can't say regarding DJ's face as didn't think to take a close look, but from what I can tell most our team has the same generic faces from Fifa 10. Regarding our GK jersey the home one is in and looking good, no away one though!

Feel free to throw any more question's my way, i'll try my best to answer from what I have seen/played

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Fantastic, it's about time we had a proper GK kit rather than the really naff generic ones! Can't wait to play it on Friday!

I can't see why James wouldn't have his proper face. He had it for England in WC so you'd think it would be more work to remove it and replace with something generic rather than just leaving it...but who knows with EA!

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Also normally they do a squad update during it's first week or so don't they, to reflect the changes since the game was "finished" as this would have been before the window shut, so every chance that they could add our new loanees on the update.

I believe so mate would be a shame missing out on Caulker and Rose.

Fifa11 arrive's tommorow for me can't wait! :innocent06:

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I can pretty much guarantee you some of those ratings will be changing once there is an update...

How? I set the ratings and they're different on the EA editing system to what they were a few months ago (which is what is in those screenshots).

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It's good to see that DJ's level hasn't suffered because of coming down to the Championship. In fact, he was rated 78 on 10 and 79 on 11, so there's even a small improvement.

Sadly though, due to his age his overall rating decreases quite rapidly throughout career mode. He went down from 79 to 75 in his first season with me on mine whilst Maynard went from 75 to 79!

Also wanted to add those ratings in the pictures at the top are when played in that position. Fontaine is only that rating at left-back, in the centre he's higher. Same with a few other players.

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