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A Round Of Applause To The Jobsworth Steward In The Williams Today


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I sit in Block E of the Williams Stand and a few rows in front of me are a group of about 12 lads who come to every game and always get a bit of singing going and keep us all entertained with their banter with the away fans.

As its a non-members part of the ground, there is rarely a big crowd of people in this area so a few of the guys stand during the match and have done ever since ive been there which is since November of last year.

In steps Mr Jobsworth steward who tells some of these guys to sit down because its an all seater stadium, after a small verbal exchange the lads sat down but one of them made the point that the East End were all standing up.

Next thing, Jobsworth is on his radio and calls in the cavalry to get 3 of these lads removed simply because he couldnt justify why they had to sit when there are no people behind them and why the whole East End are on their feet.

With that the whole group left and will very likely never come back and to be honest i dont blame them. Never seen this steward before but he certainly wanted to make a name for himself.

Sums up a shite day at the Gate to be honest

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