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Port Said Red

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I gave up on the reds last night!

Hartlepool scored, Willsbridge Red sent me a text "same old story" it said. Too right I thought.

I sat back mumbling about how Wilson had twenty minutes to save his City career, screaming in my head for him to get the players on the pitch he should have started with. Particularly "Freezer". Nothing happened, I got worse, Little Hornbeam starts shouting at me as I suggest that another season in the 2nd is beyond the pale and I would be asking for my already purchased season ticket money back.

On comes Freezer "Too late now" I say in my worldly wise tone.

The City attacked the Atyeo where I was sitting, and I couldn't be bothered to get out of my seat to watch yet another miss. "They wouldn't score if they were here all week" I said.

So of course I missed the equaliser! ^_^:D what a prat!

Little Hornbeam was not in the mood for letting me off the hook, "serves you right for moaning and ruining my day!" No apology would suffice.

Thankfully I was now back in the real world and could see that with the players we had on the pitch we could win this, and so it proved.

So I will probably never live the night down, but personally I would like to blame Mr Wilson for not spotting what many of us knew 80 minutes earlier. You should be attacking the opposition at home. Another team selection like that at the Millenium and its over and out for DW!

Finally, will the real Christian Roberts please stand up? Is it the one who blasts the ball wide/over when a good position, or snaps at a ggolden chance on the edge of the 6 yard box? Or is it the guy who waltzs calmly into the box beats his man before placing his finish in the bottom corner? I think we should be told.........

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When Hartlepool scored I just had to get out of my seat and go into the back of the stand and have fag.I wanted to literally scream.

Constantly in my head a voice was repeating itself "Oh not again,for gods sake not again".I couldn't take another defeat.

You'd think as you get older ,you mellow a bit.Not take it so seriously.

Not me.My hands were shaking !

When we equalised I shouted so much the lack of oxygen intake affected my brain and I went dizzy ! :D

What a bloody relief at the end though.

Oh bugger...we've got to do it again ^_^

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Can I join this small club!!

I was absolutely GUTTED when they scored and during the next 25 mins I had told myself that I would not ever bother coming to another game again (it had something to do with speaking to my missus on the phone at half time who basically said "I dont know why you travel all that way and spend all that money to watch something that gets you depressed" which at the time was a fair comment!)

And then it happened.........the most joyous 5 minutes I have EVER had watching a football match.

We had not blown our chance this time........in fact we had taken the game by the scruff of the neck and the boys did it!!!!

I will never ever doubt us again :dunno::ph34r:

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i said to these twins stoof next to me when they scored "dont worry, we'll get a goal in the last minute like always" they nodded in excitement like i did. I'll say them exact words at the final!!!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"I didn't think I would be alone in this, I really couldn't take anymore build up to wasted chances. But I have paid the price now both Mrs H and Little H calling my a part timerand a lightweight! "

The site of you daughter speaking to you like you were some 3 year old having a tantrum was fantastic :ph34r::blush::blush:

Ah well at the final she'll be too busy worrying about what you're doing - her and claire will be up and down getting the drinks in :dunno:

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Guest Spunkwood
After the game I sent her a text saying "Dont worry, am in good moon now. PS am off to Cardiff on the 30th!"

She was gutted!

made I laugh :dunno:
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i was feeling your pain guys!!! when hartlepool scored i just sat there with my head in my hands,convinced that our promotion hopes were over.

ive never cried at a football match but i can honestly say i was about a minuite away from it when freezer scored.

as luck would have it id just stood up again to watch the last few minuites when robbo broke down the wing and put the cross in.

as the ball came off freezers head it just seemed to be going in slow motion through the air,and i remember the thourghts going through my head......

" its going wide,its going wide,its going wideyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"

then just a mass pile on at the back of the dolman b block!!!!!

the relief i felt when freezers goal went in is something i have never experienced during a city matc before,with the feeling of complete joy when robbos goal going in never being matched either.

ive been watching the city for about ten years and without doubt they were the best two goals i have ever witnessed.

football,funny old game!!!!! :dunno::ph34r::blush::blush::wub::)

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