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Cisse, Hunt, Stewart


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Exactly what I thought, with Millen putting Carey at right back instead of Nicky Hunt, must not be impressing in training, such high hopes for these 3 when they signed, Hunt had plenty of prem experience, Stuart was qpr player of the season a few years back and Cisse was obviously rated highly by Coppell, all three haven't shown anything so far

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It appears that the players Coppell signed think they are too big for Bristol City FC and only signed for us because they wanted to be managed by coppell. the can all bugger off back to where they came from, scum bags.

So even though you don't know the exact reason they are not in the team, they are scum bags?

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To be fair to Nicky Hunt he had no proper pre-season and turned his ankle against Milwall, He was playing with it heavily strapped from there on in. I would suggest he would be ten times better than Carey at RB! Bolton fans liked Hunt as a general rule and a section of them were calling for an england call up a few years back. Im not suggesting he is brilliant but you dont play a large number of premier league games without having some skill.

Cisse is a elliott clone hence we dont need two of them in the team, For me the Jury is still out on Stewart although he was player of the year at QPR a few years back so again must have something about him.

I suspect Millen went back to what he knows which is in itself more worrying that he doesnt feel he can manage/motivate new players signed by the ex manager?! It seems strange that Millen has chosen to drop all three, I cant honestly believe that three players signed by Copout all have attitude problems!!!

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On the BBC yesterday it said that Hunt was out injured with a bad ankle. Which was news to me but, as NTTDS will no doubt agree, we must believe in our national broadcaster.

Having said that, I think that Ribiero has played poorly and looked far better than Hunt. badmood.gif

I had high hopes for Stewart. Patently, when we signed him, we needed a commanding, "don't knock his pint over in the pub" type centre back. Unfortunately, it turned out that Stewart had less pace than Carey and a turning circle like the QEll. He's probably quite nice as well.

Luckily we've since recruited Caulker who had a good game yesterday against a top strike force.

Again, with Cisse, we all recognise that our central midfield has gone off the boil. Elliot has his moments but they are increasingly rare. Skuse is a shadow of the promising youngster from 2 years ago. I don't think we've seen enough of Cisse to judge. But, if he can't get a game with Skuse in his current form then I'd question why he was ever given a contract.

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