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Forwards Situation

fka dagest

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At the moment, in our team we have the following forwards signed on:

Stead, Maynard, Haynes, Pitman, Clarkson, Vokes, Akinde, Jackson, Adomah (does Rose count? Sproule?)

Have I missed anyone?

I guess Vokes won't stay long-term. I also assume Akinde is finished as he has done nothing down the road. It seems Jackson won't get a chance.

We clearly have a surfeit of forwards. Who will go? How will we get rid of them? How has this situation been allowed to develop?

I guess the last question is slightly rhetorical.

I just can't believe that we have so many forwards, without having competition at left-back or a decent creative midfielder.

Keith, do we need to sign a new forward?

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