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And that canonly be down to one reason.

That Carey has been removed and Caulker is playing alongside him.

Long may his form continue, Liam was one of a number of players showing what they can do if played in the right position as LJ proved.

Carey I think the tiem ahs come to move into League 1 you can't cut it with us in this league!

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I thought Fontaine looked good last night, and so much more vocal. Always pointing and shouting. Have we a new (and unlikely) leader emerging?

I don't like Carey ar RB, wanted to see Ribero get some time on the pitch at least. But I wouldn't want to break up the Fontaine /Caulker partnership either.

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I thought Fontaine looked good last night, and so much more vocal. Always pointing and shouting. Have we a new (and unlikely) leader emerging?

I don't like Carey ar RB, wanted to see Ribero get some time on the pitch at least. But I wouldn't want to break up the Fontaine /Caulker partnership either.

This says a lot, we have a central defensive partnership emerged Caulker Fontaine. Fontaine captain? why not if he continues to emerge as a leader.

I am a very big fan of Ribeiro and would expect to see him eventually emerge as the number 1 RB

LB...Well there are multiple threads deicated to that

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I thought Fontaine looked good last night, and so much more vocal. Always pointing and shouting. Have we a new (and unlikely) leader emerging?

I agree entirely with this. It really stood out to me on Tuesday that Fontaine had "stepped up to the plate" and was leading the defence. For that reason I'd have had him as a strong MoM candidate (along with Jon Stead, of course, with LJ just behind them).

For all the deserved praise that LJ and Stead have received, that victory was built on the most solid defensive performance I've seen from us this season. Defending from the front, yes, defending through the whole team, but supporrted by a very solid back four, led by Fontaine. Long may it continue.

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