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Star of the World Cup 2010 - Paul the Octopus has died..... unconfirmed reports his final words were Bristol City will survive relegation from the Championship this season.

wasnt there someone that wanted to buy him for loads a money, bet they are quite happy they didnt!

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It now seems he died as a result of suicide.....

After taking a morbid interest in the Japanese cuisine of Sushi, he went on to reading of ancient Japanese ritual suicide's known as Hari-Kari.

He found both absolutely facinating.

He slowly developed a desire to one day after his death becoming a famous Sushi dish himself -indeed he would be willing to pay an arm & a leg for the chance.

He didnt want to be remembered as a tough old dish though, so he determined to bring his life to an end while still young & tender.

Thats where his knowledge of Hari-Kari came in handy...

Paul The Octopus went on to achieve his ambition & this week commited - Cala-Mari .

RIP Paul.

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Most popular German since Jurgen Klinsman. Shame he weren't around in 1938 with that respected prophecy. . see you on the other side old dude smile.gif

Technically, he wasn't German - he was born in this country. But the German Nation took him to their hearts, just as we took Boris Becker to ours.

By the way, I find it surprising that:

a) people are shocked by his death; the average age for octopi is two - and he was two and a half


b) he ever became a bl**dy star in the first place - each time he 'chose' his box, he was simply choosing the closest one to him! If anything, it should have been the aquarium staff who should be lauded, as they clearly knew which box to place closest to him.

Not to put a downer on things or owt...

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