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Mark Watson Kicks Off!


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On ITV4 at 10, might mention us???

A new sports panel show brought to ITV4 by the makers of Radio Five Live's cult Saturday morning sports show Fighting Talk.

Comedian and Bristol City fan Mark Watson hosts a no-holds-barred celebration of not just the beautiful game but all that makes British sport great... or quite promising, frequently over-hyped and ultimately disappointing.

Filmed in front of a live studio audience, the series will feature guests from the worlds of sport and entertainment, invited to put their own spin on the week's sporting events. Guests on the panel are awarded points for unique opinions, punditry and sporting passion rather than 'correct' answers to some of the funniest and most peculiar sports questions.

Mark Watson says: "I'm delighted to be taking the reins for what promises to be a festival of sport and banter. I can promise the fans I will give 110 percent, possibly as much as 115 on occasion. I'll be putting a top squad of pundits through their paces, refereeing in a firm but fair manner, and sometimes setting a captain's example by putting my own skills on the line."

Channel boss Zai Bennett says: "ITV4 is renowned for bringing great sport and entertainment to viewers and Mark Watson Kicks Off is a great fit for us. Mark is a fantastic comedian and presenter, and will be bringing his expert sporting knowledge to the show. It's great to be welcoming him to the channel."

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Isn't great is it, bless them for trying.

The cheesy sung jingles have made my stomach drizzle out of my ears and the voice shouting out who has buzzed in for an answer in the general knowledge round has made me pee blood.

Mind you I'm biased. Apart from early 'They Think It's All Over' I have hated all tv sports comedy quizzes as a rule. I think it's the Sue Barker effect. The fact you probably would after a few pints makes me feel not just ill, but actually worried about what sort of sexual things I may resort to in my old age :crying:

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it is beyond dreadful and the guests look embarrassed and uncomfortable.

and whilst we are on the subject of celeb BCFC fans on the TV. The John Cleese advert for the AA home repair service is in the words of Billy Connolly 'as funny as an orphanage burning down', JC is a genius and this is demeaning to a man who wrote Fawlty Towers and was a Python who appeared in the funniest film ever 'The life of Brian'. Still I suppose he has an excuse of sorts a huge alimony bill to his ex wife.

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it is beyond dreadful and the guests look embarrassed and uncomfortable.

and whilst we are on the subject of celeb BCFC fans on the TV. The John Cleese advert for the AA home repair service is in the words of Billy Connolly 'as funny as an orphanage burning down', JC is a genius and this is demeaning to a man who wrote Fawlty Towers and was a Python who appeared in the funniest film ever 'The life of Brian'. Still I suppose he has an excuse of sorts a huge alimony bill to his ex wife.

Watched the latest show last night and didn't think it was too bad at all. Bobby Gould was surprisingly funny.

You definitely get the feeling, though, that Mark W knows the show is a bit of a turkey, as reflected in his comments like "it's so exciting here that the atmosphere in the studio almost exists".

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