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David James

Randy Marsh

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Yeah I saw this.. I wondered what the reaction would be.. Not the cleverest thing to be doing when you've got a family at home..

Are you for real? Do you have a family? Jeez, the bloke went for a few beers with colleagues. Not only that, its also Christmas and he didnt have to work the next day so nothing wrong with it. I'm sure he's earned a few brownie points with the missus with the fact he is home from work most nights. Some people REALLY need to lighten up, seriously!!!

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Are you for real? Do you have a family? Jeez, the bloke went for a few beers with colleagues. Not only that, its also Christmas and he didnt have to work the next day so nothing wrong with it. I'm sure he's earned a few brownie points with the missus with the fact he is home from work most nights. Some people REALLY need to lighten up, seriously!!!

I wasn't saying what he was doing was wrong I was just suggesting it looked a little suspect, That's all. Some people REALLY need to stop assuming..

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More evidence that he is settling in to life in Bristol and enjoying it, significantly different to the noises early doors when he himself indicated some doubts. He now trains (I underestand) fully with the team and appears to warming to the club and life here.

To be honest our squad of players need to learn from his professionalism and will to win and not to accept second, he might storm off the pitch in a strop when we lose but so what, it shows he cares ands wants to win. Thats more than enough for me, especialy from a bloke who has done most things in the game...it shows he just isn't here for the day out.

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My friend rang me that friday, very drunk to tell me to search for 'shaun and david james' on youtube, this was a video he had just made of himself and the big man at dragon Kiss on White Ladies Road. I found it and it was a video mistakenly recorded instead of a photo of the my friend and Jamo arm in arm.

Off the subject slightly, the video has since been removed from youtube, for reasons not known (i.e. the user didnt remove it) which you may read into as you like.....

Back to the point, my mate said David James was friendly approachable and clearly knew how to cope with the fame (unlike some x city big times, where it went straight to there head) hmmm leroy hmmm

He was out to have a good time and there was no harm in any of his actions towards females like you may speculate.

Possibly going to a flat party wasnt wise due to his status and how it can be blown out of proportion, but thats up to his mrs to either trust or not.

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