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Christian Roberts Q&a

pride of the west

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Sorry, stupidly busy at work at the moment (trying to keep my job - find out next week!)

No one gave him any stick. He talked quite frankly about what an arse he'd been whilst he was drinking (5 years sober next month by the way) he said that he didn't feel Danny Wilson could have done more to curb things, because Christian had gotten too good at hiding just how bad his drinking was (he would blame it on personal problems at home rather that the fact he was drunk) He also said he knew where to drink away from where he might be spotted.

One of the questions was about how he felt Milly would do here as manager, and he said that he hadn't been around him enough to answer that properly, but he wished us nothing but the best.

He said he thought that the fact Leroy Lita hadn't gone onto be a world class player was down to his attitude, he has the talent but he said you have to have the whole picture to be a truly great player.

He now spends his time going around schools in Wales spreading the anti racism word, and working with younger kids developing their footballing skills.

He said he really enjoyed doing the commentary on our games, and said he would love to (and has asked to) do more.

Listening to some of it was quite hard going, with regards to his drinking, but it was great to see how he's come out the other side.

He signed the Village Green petition for us, and said he hoped we get the new stadium.

Ive got a couple of pics on my camera when I get a moment to put them on here.

Hope that helps, sorry for the delay. :)

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