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Ghostie Things?

Somerset Red

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Have a look at the pics from Percy Parrot, I saw some pics with Orbs in them(ghostie type things), these pics have spherical things in them.

Could be rain spots? Could be dirt? But in this case shouldn't the spheres be in the same positions????

Could it be the spirits of former City players celebrating with us?????

Anybody know anything about these things?

Have a look and see what you think.

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OK Perhaps I'm seeing things,,, but just take a look at Percy's second picture, just left of the G in the GWR family enclosure. There are others in both pictures.

Can anybody else see them and give a reasonable answer?

I see the thing you mean, personally I think you've been watching too much TV :P
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I've heard of these being attributed to "spirits" and whatnot. However, I think that they're probably just what happens when light from the flash blub reflects off of dust particles in the air. I mean, in the first of percy's pictures, there appears to be an orb sitting on the back of some bloke's head (bottom the picture, second guy from the right). Either that or I must run into an awful lot of ghosts as these things are always turning up in my photos!

.....Kelly :rolleyes:

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surely it cannot be raindrops because the drops would be in the same place in different photos, you can see from percys 2 photos that the pics were taken with the same camera, but the orbs are in completely different places! spooky?

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Guest LeicesterRed

You`ve been watching too much of "Most haunted".

I must admit to seeing orbs and the like, very often after a gallon of Cider!!!


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Guest RedwardsV1

Maybe it was angels, u know like in that film 'Angels in the outfield' becuase lets be fair there is no way Goodfellow just jumped when he scored that goal he looked like he flew!!!!

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