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£ Made From City Transfers


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Whilst most of City's transfers in recent years are classed as undisclosed, I was wondering how many trasnfers have actually seen a profit for the club.

I think that since being in the Champ we have only seen 9 transfers out involving a fee. And I think the only transfers which have made the club any £ are Carle's, Orr's, Keogh's transfers. Not sure about McIndoe or McCombe.

I don't know about any comparisons for other clubs, but I'd expect due to many clubs picking up more players out of contract and using the loan market, this could be a similar picture.

Got me thinking that the Jan transfer window, is just a time to gamble. Most signings are done in the summer, which is when most are out of contract. Few clubs want to spend £ on transfers. With fewer trasnfers being made, that £ simply then sits in the wage packet of player's pockets.

Our bets piece of business has to be the Carle deal, although I think the Orr deal may have made us the most £ (based on the fact we got him for free). Worst has to be Styvar.

Of the 22 players who I think have left the club in the last 3 1/2 years, I think 7 are Champ players at present, and that no one has gone onto a higher level. Amazsed to see how few games players like Noble/Brooker have played since leaving.

Not sure of my point, but those are the facts.

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Carle bought for half a million, add his signing on fee, relocation fee for coming here, wages for half a season, player insurance , superannuation , medical fees. possible add ons from his former club, I dont see much change , if any from the million we sold him for. Brooker and Noble were injured when they left and only recently has Noble been playing for 60/70 minutes, like he did here. Brooker has finally made it to the bench and run on for 10/25 minutes over the past 6 weeks.

Our buy and sell balance for Wilson.Tinnion/ GJ and Coppell must have SL crawling up the wall. Sure there was Cotterill and Lita, but otherwise we have spent way more than we have made,

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