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Traffic Warden Aroung The Gate Last Night


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As i walked home at half time last night (felt rotten and didnt think the second half was going to improve my health!), i passed a traffic warden merrily putting fines on car windows in Ashton Gate Terrace and North St.

I asked him politely "come on mate, do you really need to be doing this knowing there are 14000 people here to watch the match?"

He replied "dont have a go at me mate, i've been asked to come here tonight especially to do this, if you're asked to do something in your job, you have to do it dont you?"

Difficult to answer him really so i thought worth mentioning on here, especially as he admitted he'd been 'asked' to go there last night and obviously improve his bonus! not the old boys fault, i know that, just a bit underhand in my opinion

Anyway - wanted to share, you have been warned!

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if theres a no parking zone or double yellow then he's just doing his job, the fans shouldn't park there

Although that would of topped my night off I would of been on the bridge faster then the dolman leaveing when a away goal goes in

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haha, you're right, we do all know the rules - not the point though is it - just thought it was a bit naughty to be out at half 8 in the dark knowing he'd have loads to ticket - that said though if i lived around there i'd want a warden out too!

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if theres a no parking zone or double yellow then he's just doing his job, the fans shouldn't park there

Although that would of topped my night off I would of been on the bridge faster then the dolman leaveing when a away goal goes in

Trouble is, the Council in the last 18months or so have gone crazy with double yellow lines everywhere. I know you shouldn't park on them, but some of the places they've put them are totally uncalled for.

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you have been warned!

Everyone parks where they like on North Street in the evening. There hasn't been a traffic warden at that time of day for several years. In the last week or two I have seen them on three separate days. I would echo your warning and agree that they've been asked to monitor the area more closely.

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This only started happening when the Lib Dems took control of the council. With in weeks of gaing control one of the first things they done was to paint double yellow lines all over Ashton. People have been parking on the cumberland basin, Long Ashton, Winterstoke road and Ashton for years when City played and there was never any problems , so why did they do it. Well its because they are anti car , anti football and anti Bristol City please remmeber this come May.

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This only started happening when the Lib Dems took control of the council. With in weeks of gaing control one of the first things they done was to paint double yellow lines all over Ashton. People have been parking on the cumberland basin, Long Ashton, Winterstoke road and Ashton for years when City played and there was never any problems , so why did they do it. Well its because they are anti car , anti football and anti Bristol City please remmeber this come May.

Note also that the national leader of the Lib Dems is a bare faced liar. Nick Clegg promised the students no increase in tuition fees were they to vote for him - he gets elected to power then helps bang up the students' tuition fees. :icecream:

Lib Dems are anti Bristol, anti Bristol City FC, anti car, anti student and they love the hopelessly corrupt European Union. :rolleyes:

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Note also that the national leader of the Lib Dems is a bare faced liar. Nick Clegg promised the students no increase in tuition fees were they to vote for him - he gets elected to power then helps bang up the students' tuition fees. :icecream:

Lib Dems are anti Bristol, anti Bristol City FC, anti car, anti student and they love the hopelessly corrupt European Union. :rolleyes:

Come on Goblin, you know as well as I do that he had no choice in the matter. When the Lib dems made their promises prior to the election, they seemingly had a snowball in hells chance of getting into power, and therefore they could have promised anything they liked. We all know the outcome of the election now, and Clegg is just Cameron's puppet with little or no say in the government's policies.

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Note also that the national leader of the Lib Dems is a bare faced liar. Nick Clegg promised the students no increase in tuition fees were they to vote for him - he gets elected to power then helps bang up the students' tuition fees. :icecream:

Lib Dems are anti Bristol, anti Bristol City FC, anti car, anti student and they love the hopelessly corrupt European Union. :rolleyes:

This board is getting very depressing lately and Euro sceptic tosh make it worse.

I am not a lib dem supporter, but did work for a multi national company based in Bristol for many years and I know how much trade and JOBS depend on the EU. remember the CBI (hardly lib dem supporters either) supports our ongoing membership and even Mrs Thatcher signed the Maastrict treaty.

If your looking for corruption look now further than euro sceptic MP Bill Cash complains like hell about EU waste, yet moved out of his rented flaT in central London on which he cant claim expenses, to move in with his Daughter in outer London where he can claim expenses all so his son can move into the original flat rent fee to attend university whilst the taxpayer has to pay for Bill's new rent at his daughters. All within the rules then if thats not corrupt tell me what is.

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Come on Goblin, you know as well as I do that he had no choice in the matter. When the Lib dems made their promises prior to the election, they seemingly had a snowball in hells chance of getting into power, and therefore they could have promised anything they liked. We all know the outcome of the election now, and Clegg is just Cameron's puppet with little or no say in the government's policies.

I just couldn't resist a bit of topical political comment on this issue, especially when bs3 mentioned the Lib Dem Bristol Council. :dancing6:

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