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Gotta Be A Sellout Next Sat?

red marc

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15 or 15k it wont make any difference unless its a positive crowd. We need some support next week.

No problem, its when we play teams the fans think we should be beating at a canter the atmosphere is flat.Will be a sore throat day thats for sure. :fingerscrossed:

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To be fair Leeds is one of the attractive fixtures.anything less than 18000 will be poor.I know we have not had much to shout about but the atmosphere should be a cracker next week.results have been poor at home,let's hope the manager can put a winning side out next week.

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try nearer 20k my old china whats the the point of the new bigger ground if we can only hope 16k against a side who could bring 6/7k no problems and are the biggest club in this division with a possible return of maynard chucked in

It doesn't matter how many Leeds could bring - they've only got 2,000 tickets.

The idea of a bigger ground is to fill it with Bristolians supporting BCFC, not away fans.

Leeds are not a such huge draw that they will make thousands of extra City fans turn out, especially considering our atrocious home performances recently.

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It doesn't matter how many Leeds could bring - they've only got 2,000 tickets.

The idea of a bigger ground is to fill it with Bristolians supporting BCFC, not away fans.

Leeds are not a such huge draw that they will make thousands of extra City fans turn out, especially considering our atrocious home performances recently.

so theyre only bringing 2000 then ? think again me thinks

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so theyre only bringing 2000 then ? think again me thinks

No idea - have Leeds been buying tickets for home ends all season?

If not, why start at Bristol City, not exactly their closest trip?

My point is Bristolians are not that interested in Leeds, why should they be?

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I predict total carnage next week. This type of game always brings out the "Pwoppa bwokes" as Danny Dyer once said.

Can't see this being a sell out, we have been utter crap at hope in the last few games.

Correct,even the Leeds fans think this is most likely game to be a bit naughty all season.Danny Dyer[bit naughty]speak.

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We last played Leeds United at home in the league on 18th August 1979 which was the opening game of the season and the result was a 2 - 2 draw with Tom Ritchie and Pertti Jantunen (penalty) scoring for City.

Would be great to get 17,000 but that may be optimistic.

First time we have played Leeds in the league since when? I can't remember seeing them down at AG in the league since about 1980 but someone may well prove me wrong on that point. It'll be my first game for a while - really looking forward to it now.

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It doesn't matter how many Leeds could bring - they've only got 2,000 tickets.

The idea of a bigger ground is to fill it with Bristolians supporting BCFC, not away fans.

Leeds are not a such huge draw that they will make thousands of extra City fans turn out, especially considering our atrocious home performances recently.

You can't say that. Some of their fans still think they are every other team's cup final :whistle2:

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