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Ano Not City Related But I Wanna Know


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Hi, Sorry its not city Related but just need to know

We have Pompey away next Saturday, was wondering if they sell Booze in ground, just mi mate wants to know cause if they do hes getting lift, but if they dont hes gunna drive it.

TIA And sorry av posted on here just need to know for him

Best of luck tomoz too, beat them scumbags, we have em a week on Tuesday, make sure you break each and every players legs

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Hi, Sorry its not city Related but just need to know

We have Pompey away next Saturday, was wondering if they sell Booze in ground, just mi mate wants to know cause if they do hes getting lift, but if they dont hes gunna drive it.

TIA And sorry av posted on here just need to know for him

Best of luck tomoz too, beat them scumbags, we have em a week on Tuesday, make sure you break each and every players legs

No unless your in the prawn sandwich bit.

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Went to Portsmouth earlier this season and also for the cup game in 08-09 - I stand to be corrected but I'm almost certain there was no booze on sale inside the ground.

If memory serves there's very little space in and around the concourse at the back of the stand where the refreshment kiosks are - I'd imagine the police and/or health and safety people wouldn't want alcohol on sale as anyone buying it would then have to congregate in this tiny area (as you're not allowed to drink it in view of the pitch).

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Hi, Sorry its not city Related but just need to know

We have Pompey away next Saturday, was wondering if they sell Booze in ground, just mi mate wants to know cause if they do hes getting lift, but if they dont hes gunna drive it.

TIA And sorry av posted on here just need to know for him

Best of luck tomoz too, beat them scumbags, we have em a week on Tuesday, make sure you break each and every players legs

I always found the people in Barnsley to be a pleasant bunch; you, on the other hand, sound somewhat of a different persuasion.

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did i miss something? what annoyed you about his post? as far as i could see it was a fellow fan asking a decent question?

The word 'scumbags' is one thing,... fan banter and all that but however in jest it is supposed to be I hardly think its necessary to request our players break every bone in their legs do you?

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The word 'scumbags' is one thing,... fan banter and all that but however in jest it is supposed to be I hardly think its necessary to request our players break every bone in their legs do you?

It's called 'humour' and 'friendly chat', he comes from Barnsley......near Leeds...... do I need to explain local rivalry?:doh:

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Get a SOH Cuba man !

Barnsley-Tyke is on here quite a lot and is very BCFC "friendly"

Few of my mates support you lot and av been down to your place last season and this season and must admit it is a really enjoyable away day. Great atmosphere from your lot from the stand away fans sit in behind goals.

Look forward to visiting again next season, best of luck today and rest of season except when you visit Oakwell :) Our Home record is kinda good this season think we have only lost 3

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