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Very Disappointed


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Every Saturday i turn up and sit in my own quiet part of the ground with other like minded boring people and await a crescendo of noise, from approximately 500 people who sit at the other end of the ground penned into one corner, so that i may be entertained.

Imagine my disgust last Saturday when i again turned up expecting somebody else to make my day enjoyable, only to discover that the 500 odd people who try their best to have a laugh and sing a few songs, made no noise what so ever!!!! Somebody equally moribund as myself did make a comment that apparently there were 2,500 away supporters playing right up next to them and would therefor probabaly be louder. I dismissed this comment, as i had paid for a ticket and circumstances or no, i expect someone to create an atmosphere for me. In fact i'm sure i read somewhere that people sitting in that part of the ground, are actually employed for my own amusement.

Without wishing to divert from the original thrust of this post, i haven't seen the seen the man who wipes my a$$ lately, either.

Yours very disgruntled,

Boring and Non Descript of the Ateyo, Williams etc.

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Every Saturday i turn up and sit in my own quiet part of the ground with other like minded boring people and await a crescendo of noise, from approximately 500 people who sit at the other end of the ground penned into one corner, so that i may be entertained.

Imagine my disgust last Saturday when i again turned up expecting somebody else to make my day enjoyable, only to discover that the 500 odd people who try their best to have a laugh and sing a few songs, made no noise what so ever!!!! Somebody equally moribund as myself did make a comment that apparently there were 2,500 away supporters playing right up next to them and would therefor probabaly be louder. I dismissed this comment, as i had paid for a ticket and circumstances or no, i expect someone to create an atmosphere for me. In fact i'm sure i read somewhere that people sitting in that part of the ground, are actually employed for my own amusement.

Without wishing to divert from the original thrust of this post, i haven't seen the seen the man who wipes my a$$ lately, either.

Yours very disgruntled,

Boring and Non Descript of the Ateyo, Williams etc.


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