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Defending On Saturday....

Cider red

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One word..Shocking! I have just watched the goals back for the first time since saturday and we basically handed the game to them on a plate. Millen seriously needs to do some defensive coaching..he was a defender for christs sake!

Other than that i thought it was a pretty even game, the difference being we gifted them the ball and their goals while they made us work hard to create chances that we didnt take....just about somes citys season up. Once the first goal went in you just knew the game was over. I still think we have enough in the tank to stay up but we need to up the tempo and get at teams rather than sit back and let them dictate the game. Leeds being near the top shows how close this division is they looked an average side. I dont see why we cant be challenging next year with a few additions to the squad...thats if we stay up of course!

As for the trouble im sure the leeds fans didnt expect a pat on the back if they are going to give it the bigun in the home stands...not that im condoning it of course.:handbags:

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One word..Shocking! I have just watched the goals back for the first time since saturday and we basically handed the game to them on a plate. Millen seriously needs to do some defensive coaching..he was a defender for christs sake!

Other than that i thought it was a pretty even game, the difference being we gifted them the ball and their goals while they made us work hard to create chances that we didnt take....just about somes citys season up. Once the first goal went in you just knew the game was over. I still think we have enough in the tank to stay up but we need to up the tempo and get at teams rather than sit back and let them dictate the game. Leeds being near the top shows how close this division is they looked an average side. I dont see why we cant be challenging next year with a few additions to the squad...thats if we stay up of course!

As for the trouble im sure the leeds fans didnt expect a pat on the back if they are going to give it the bigun in the home stands...not that im condoning it of course.:handbags:

You defend as a team you attack as a team, the amount of goals that comes from teams running through the middle of us shocking, Caulker earned his stripes here must think sometimes help, James must think how can players in a attacking area's get so much time on the ball.

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