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Colin Sexstone


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This guy through this whole planning process has been talking with passion and enthusiasm all the way through. I think I under-rated this guy when he joined.

Bet fair play mr sexton you done us proud during this fight!!!!!

Thank you CS

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..certainly proved his worth to the club throughout these planning debates, first class contributions from Colin all the way.... (who says Lansdown's recruitment record aint been too good?... he was bang on when he signed C Sextone -although I didnt think so at the time) Proofs in the pudding though CS is clearly the right man for the job.

PS... a genius stroke by somebody in the BCFC management team to get the BRIGHTON fella on board too!!

D L put in a good appearance too highlighting the local value of the clubs community work :clapping:

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This guy through this whole planning process has been talking with passion and enthusiasm all the way through. I think I under-rated this guy when he joined.

Bet fair play mr sexton you done us proud during this fight!!!!!

Hear hear.

And to think some of our fans have the nerve to ask what he brings to our club!

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Colin, from all I've seen, is a superb asset to this club.

The guy must think there is little in life outside of the new stadium. He's put his heart and soul into it these last years.

Well done Colin - another reason to be proud of the club I love to bits.

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Totally agree, CS put in a great, well reasoned and passionate contribution himself tonight, but I think his input was far more than just that.

I suspect he was the main "director" of the speakers tonight who were carefully selected to include local residents, expert opinions. another club chairman, DL's excellent presentation about the work in the local community, SL's passionate commitment to his vision for the future and much more.

All carefully scheduled (in the right order) to demolish the opposition who (apart from that lady who admitted her old man and son were City fans) and the North St butcher (who actually I did have a bit of sympathy for) were pathetic. I think I counted eight of their scheduled speakers who did not even turn up. Not one of ours failed us.

So, in the unlikely event that you are reading this Colin, you really did your job well as Chief Executive and you got the result we all wanted.

All we need now if for Eric Pickles to rubber-stamp this decision and the Council to kill the Town Green rubbish.

Onwards and Upwards. I am feeling high as a kite tonight (OK, a celebratory drink does help this !)

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