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Its Gone Right Off In Cov

Barrs Court Red

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I am really disappointed in City this afternoon. I have just found out they have taken a coach to Coventry, just think of how much extra pollution we made.

Why don't they cycle there on the dedicated cycle paths. I have just returned from the local high street on my bike with a £150 shop. If I can do this, why can't they. The carbon footprint for this trip has cost 3 snails their lives, over a season it equates to a domestic cat. That's right, Tiddles is dead because of this selfish act.

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Jamie Oliver and the Sainsburys Transit elite have been beeping horns every where. Audio carnage. Wont someone please think of the children/environment/north street charity shops

When will they ever stop beeping ?? seriously though you walk out your front door these days and all you hear is "beep", and to think this has now spread from BS3 to Coventry over night is frightning....beeps are spreading rapidly

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I am really disappointed in City this afternoon. I have just found out they have taken a coach to Coventry, just think of how much extra pollution we made.

Why don't they cycle there on the dedicated cycle paths. I have just returned from the local high street on my bike with a £150 shop. If I can do this, why can't they. The carbon footprint for this trip has cost 3 snails their lives, over a season it equates to a domestic cat. That's right, Tiddles is dead because of this selfish act.

It's worse, apparently they will also be breathing thus adding to the worlds Co2 levels. With all the concern over global warming we should maybe look at doing something about the 2 biggest culprits. The nuclear reactor working 24/7 contributing to warming our atmosphere and better insulation preventing thermal conductivity pouring heat into our atmosphere. The problem of course is that if we did find a way to prevent these two biggest culprits (The sun and our own planets internal heat) then we would be a floating ball of rock (like we were once in the past ).

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I am really disappointed in City this afternoon. I have just found out they have taken a coach to Coventry, just think of how much extra pollution we made.

Why don't they cycle there on the dedicated cycle paths. I have just returned from the local high street on my bike with a £150 shop. If I can do this, why can't they. The carbon footprint for this trip has cost 3 snails their lives, over a season it equates to a domestic cat. That's right, Tiddles is dead because of this selfish act.

...nevermind, diverting our attention away from you chum with tales of cattails n' snails!

A £150 quid shop!!! .... theres no way you own enough 'bags for life' to carry that lot home in your panniers, I wager you didnt use an old hessian sack carried on your back either, or removed all the individual packaging before leaving the store for recycling, yes you couldve (if you'd had a sack -which you didnt because youre a packaging fiend) have put your onions, sausages, slices of bread, ice-cream,meat & poultry products etc all package free into a hessian sack & the family could've ate lucky dip meals from it - but you didnt did you?.. No I know you & your selfish types are everywhere -'look at me I shop by bike' etc .... makes me sick, & the snails murdered in RTAs could be used in gourmet style french style salads rather than wasted too, but no, too much trouble for your sort innit?... you go ahead you enjoy your Ben & Jerrys Mystic Moo ...... but remember your antics dont fool us.

Hey, watch yer self mate, move your bike quick..CRUNCH! ....... ahh too late.... beep, beep, beep, beep...

oops gotta go..

(YES!!! NICKY GET IN!!!! 1UP!!! )

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