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George Off Again


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This should of been the focus for them had they genuinely cared about local trade regardless of the lack of planning permission needed. The Sainsbury's was never going to effect local trade like a shop this size could. Total competition for local traders as these are the type of places you pop in just to pick up a thing or two, but as the Co-Op have no connection to BCFC or a new stadium i guess it must of slipped under their radar.

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I normally stay away from a threads i don't agree with but for the love of god can we stop highlighting this ass,

We all know what he's like and its only giving him another platform to through his views at us,

We should boycot all things GF on this board :(


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I normally stay away from a threads i don't agree with but for the love of god can we stop highlighting this ass,

We all know what he's like and its only giving him another platform to through his views at us,

We should boycot all things GF on this board :(


To be honest I was going to post something along these lines, but no doubt I'd get accused of sticking up for him because of the building I work in. He doesn't have a lot of love on these boards, that's obvious but I feel we need to move on and forget about it now. We've got past the Sainsburys fight and this one doesn't involve us. It does also suggest that he is, in part, trying to fight for what he believes in the local community. People in the past have accused him about fighting against Sainsbury's for the pure reason of financial gain. In this case it's not effecting his business in anyway. Dave L did a good blog yesterday that probably got missed with all the other news where he said Charlie Bolton had written to the club apologising for his comments about the club and that we all have to live in this community. Together.

This isn't a fight with us, let him get on with it. It doesn't affect us. The last thing we need to do is alienate the community we live/work/watch City in any more than we need to. Remember we might have a TVG fight to go yet, we'll only increase the anti stadium mob by slagging them off on matters like this which we don't need to.

I'm sure everyone won't agree with me, but just my $0.02c

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To be honest I was going to post something along these lines, but no doubt I'd get accused of sticking up for him because of the building I work in. He doesn't have a lot of love on these boards, that's obvious but I feel we need to move on and forget about it now. We've got past the Sainsburys fight and this one doesn't involve us. It does also suggest that he is, in part, trying to fight for what he believes in the local community. People in the past have accused him about fighting against Sainsbury's for the pure reason of financial gain. In this case it's not effecting his business in anyway. Dave L did a good blog yesterday that probably got missed with all the other news where he said Charlie Bolton had written to the club apologising for his comments about the club and that we all have to live in this community. Together.

This isn't a fight with us, let him get on with it. It doesn't affect us. The last thing we need to do is alienate the community we live/work/watch City in any more than we need to. Remember we might have a TVG fight to go yet, we'll only increase the anti stadium mob by slagging them off on matters like this which we don't need to.

I'm sure everyone won't agree with me, but just my $0.02c

Well you do support him Tom :innocent06:

I've got no love for the man and the bile he comes out with but we are a democratic country and everyone is entitled to a say he's had his he lost the fight end of,

We just got to stop highlighting everything he comes up with

But if we're highlighting things then maybe is the brate and stop sainsburys group (who I belive are anti stadium only) had any sense they would of been stopping this instead of the clubs attempts at progress

anyway I'm going off post lets just let him get on with his life now

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