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Plymouth Argyle Staff

The Red Planet

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We all know PAFC are in deep financial trouble and unable (at least for now) to pay any of their employees.

If you feel inclined to help (I know many of you will not be) and are in a position to make a contribution (however small), here's where to do it.


Can't imagine many of them were bothered in '82

if they want to overspend and mismanage then they deserve to go bust, Horrible as it may sound, but if you live on the edge you run the risk of falling.

If they do go bust, then it will hopefully give a few other clubs the wakeup call needed to rid football of this debt culture.

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Can't imagine many of them were bothered in '82

if they want to overspend and mismanage then they deserve to go bust, Horrible as it may sound, but if you live on the edge you run the risk of falling.

If they do go bust, then it will hopefully give a few other clubs the wakeup call needed to rid football of this debt culture.

JT, you're probably right about our situation in 1982.

A friend of mine who is a Plymouth fan sent me the link. He said he was well aware that the club's useless management was entirely to blame for the state they are in, but pointed out that these people are still on their payroll, even though they are not getting paid and so they have no chance of claiming benefits.

We are not talking about the players here who (if they have any sense) will have savings to fall back on.

It's the groundsmen, the kit man, the physio etc. These people are facing severe hardship.

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And don't get me wrong, I feel sympathy towards them as individuals. They know the risk of staying, though. If they didn't think they could survive without money they probably would have quit or asked to be made redundant in order to go onto the benefits or even get a new job.

Here's hoping that the individuals involved are being well looked after and have the financial sense to put themselves before a mismanaged club. I feel more sorry, however, for the many small local businesses who will not recieve payment for the services they provided Plymouth since they went into administration.

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I think JT is right although i feel a sorry for the staff and the supporters,because there justs fans like me who love there club.But the sooner a club goes bust the better,it would be a reality check for the people who run clubs.I mean look at Cardiff how many stays of execution did they have.Im sure Plymouth will get there frist warning,second warning,final warning,this time we mean it warning.then a buyer is found...............

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I would rather go out and burn piles of money on a bonfire than ''donate'' to a football club.

Football is in this mess purely through its own greed, no sympathy what so ever. In fact a few clubs going under will hopefully help in the long run.

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I would rather go out and burn piles of money on a bonfire than ''donate'' to a football club.

Football is in this mess purely through its own greed, no sympathy what so ever. In fact a few clubs going under will hopefully help in the long run.

Bris Red , this is a bit harsh but, if I put my "Businessman" hat on (that's what I do) I have to agree with you. In a properly functioning market, what happens is that businesses that can't compete will fail.

As we know, the world of football over recent years has defied this market logic - mainly due to rich benefactors propping up loss making businesses.

Sounds familiar ?

If market economics prevail, then at least 20 clubs in the top 4 divisions will go to the wall over the coming few years, leaving just three divisions in England.

In reality, many loss making clubs will continue to attract rich people to subsidise them, but inevitably a few will not find these "Angels" and will be extinct soon.

Sadly, it looks like Argyle could be one of them.

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I would rather go out and burn piles of money on a bonfire than ''donate'' to a football club.

Football is in this mess purely through its own greed, no sympathy what so ever. In fact a few clubs going under will hopefully help in the long run.

This is exactly what this country needs - stop bailing people out when they get in to trouble. There is a serious moral hazard issue with this bail out society that we have created. Its not just about football.

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Wrong to compare this to 82; without the internet for publicity and ease of donating.

I wonder how much support we would have gathered for the new stadium using only 'traditional' methods available in the 1980s?

In the 80`s ? Bloody thing would have been done and dusted.


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I prefer to feed a few of over 40 000 young people starving to death each single day on this planet.

With respect, that argument has no logical end.

Would you rather feed a few dozen starving kids or buy a new TV, drink a bottle of wine or go out for the evening - none of which are as important.

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I prefer to feed a few of over 40 000 young people starving to death each single day on this planet.

Thats where you are wrong, because that keeps muderous shits like Mugabe, Gaddafi and their ilk in power, because your liberal spirit removes the need to feed their population, and they can steal even more of their countries wealth. Its what close to 100 countries worldwide have to live with. you solve no problems. you create problems.

Quite aside from that several of your countrymen met their ends in Zimbabwe doing exactly that, and Mugabes goons killed them when their usefulness ended.

If people have nothing, they will rise up and take it. Its happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and now even Syria & Iran are seeing trouble

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