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James And The Ball Boys

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2nd half james was shouting at the ball boys because they were giving the ball back too fast, thought he was spot on, cant give the ball back too fast, taking away a home advantage. Just an observation

Although its sense the club could get in trouble for instructing ballboys to slow it down. Wouldn't suprise me if theyre told get ball back in play no matter what is said as soon as they see the ball go out.

Cant remember what team but they had to remove their multi ball system and wernt allowed to apply for it for the following season as the ball boys were slacking when opposition wanted it quick.

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In the second half,at the Atyeo end, the Doncaster goalie complained to the ref that TWO balls were thrown onto the pitch at the same time.

Ref went over and spoke to one of the City officials,I thought the ref was going to request one ball only for the rest of the game.

he actually went to o'driscoll who was throwing a hissy fit about the incident. its not as if the keeper was taking 10 minutes per goal kick anyway...

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