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F1 On The Bbc


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*sighs I knew this day would come, how can the BBC compete with his empire? That'll be everything gone soon.

Gotta hand it to him, he's pure class, I'm just glad he picked media and not politics as he would be devastating, I mean anyone who can charge its customer £40-£70 a month to watch adverts and trash TV is genius

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This would have a devastating effect on F1. However, there are a few little hurdles that stand in his way at the moment. The current Concorde Agreement states that F1 has to be shown as free to air and that agreement does not end until end of 2012. BBC have the exclusive rights for F1 in this country until the end of the 2013 season.

There is also sceptism in the paddock about if Sky would be right for the sport. I am pretty sure viewing figures would plummet to all time lows if they were just shown on Sky. This has a knock on effect to the teams and drivers as well through sponsorship. Sponsors will not be as keen to be involved in the sport if Sky take over and F1 loses half of it's viewing public in the U.K which may not be to far off the mark. I have spoken to quite a few people about this and there was a strong feeling that people would not be swayed towards Sky to watch Formula 1. The sponsors also want to be seen by as man people as possible, a move to Sky would see these sponsors getting lower exposure as there won't be the same amount of possible consumers watching. This in turn will affect the teams as they will be getting less money for the sponsorship so there definately would be serious answers the teams would need on these proposals.

F1 has been shown very prominantly on our screens since the late James Hunt's title success in 1976, this season sees the 35th anniversary of that and amazingly F1 has held out for that long without the satellite or Sky channels being able to take it over. Formula 1 on free to air, is one of the last British sporting past times that hasn't seen a radical TV overhaul.

Formula One Management did try an interactive pay per view way of watching Formula 1 a few years back, but it was canned due to a lack of interest and a loss being made on it with low subscription and take up on it. If Murdoch did get Formula One, I think that as fans we should be extremely worried as they may try to add new gimmicks to Formula One to make it more TV friendly to try and entice people to subscribe to watch it. The current owners CVC hasve said that the F1 brand is not for sale though, but we all know money talks and everyone has their price.

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Interesting and reassuring. I cant see Bernie selling out, its his baby and he doesn't need the money really.

Urgh, no it would be so bad, and of course adverts during racing, no more Martins grid walk, no DC, no Eddie Jordon, god no. Murray Walker would have words about this, everyone, all the teams. If it did ever happen, there would for sure be a breakaway fronted by McClaren, Ferreri, Williams. Bugger off Rooput from F1, stick to Nas car or whatever

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Quality, maybe Sky will find of making it interesting

Quality, they might get you a dictionary too.

I think the F1 broadcasting team is brilliant at the moment. There's just the right amount of banter between the hosts and drivers, and the interviews are great.

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I was brought up on F1 so i'll allays follow it, but you need to know a fair bit about F1 first to really enjoy the race/qualify. Sure iI hope for crashes, who doesn't? but its a totally nerd sport now, too many gadgets, i mean today i could hardly keep up with wtf was going on. KERS, difusers, tyres. Now there is TOO mcuh overtaking, bring back refuelling! Used to love seing the no hoper teams puttig 4 laps of fuel in so they can get a good grid spot.

I do miss the Mansel, Senna, Prost, Berger, Aleesi days, awesome. and Murray Walker ofc

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Couldn't be any less interesting than it is now

Multi million pound cars traveling at 300 kph and after 2 miles they are within a hairsbreadth of each other? Pretty interesting I think.

If you look at the big picture of cars driving round in a circle, then yeah, it can be boring, but if you actually watch the sport you see how detailed the cars are and how skilled and concentrated the drivers are and it's a fascinating sport.

It's lost a lot of the danger factor of 20 years ago, but with health and safety, what hasn't?

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Multi million pound cars traveling at 300 kph and after 2 miles they are within a hairsbreadth of each other? Pretty interesting I think.

If you look at the big picture of cars driving round in a circle, then yeah, it can be boring, but if you actually watch the sport you see how detailed the cars are and how skilled and concentrated the drivers are and it's a fascinating sport.

It's lost a lot of the danger factor of 20 years ago, but with health and safety, what hasn't?

Ypes, I'm more excited than a kitten when the flag is about to drop, you cant beat the sound of 22 F1 car shattering your spine for 2 hrs, the TV just cant even get close the conveying the noice and vibration these machines make, you have to experice it.

After Senna at Imola im glad F1 has got safer in a way, lost a legend there. Still think it has that dangerous aspect still for SURE, like you say, 300kph pulling 3-4g wheel to wheel, and sometimes in the rain when you cant see a dam thing, shit, they earn there money in the rain i can tell ye

Cant stand Indy car, just not interested. Its the cutting edge of F1 is an innovator that i like, a lot of what you see on today's modern cars is a direct result from the millions F1 teams spend on development.

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