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What Joo Want?


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A new season is upon us, how you feel? Why you support City?, Why you care? What you hope for? What you be upset wit and, what you be happy with?

You want promo? who told you to expect that? why get mad if we don't? Is it not the destination, but the journey? Happy be we who try to hope.

If City is us then what do we want? I want domination, I want success.

So why do you care?

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What I want:

To be the most successful side in world football. I want to ram it down the throats of every other fan of other teams in this country and world wide.

I want to watch attractive football at the right price and I want my players to care about the club they play for. Really care, not a tap on the badge or kissing it like you'd kiss your bristly nan.

I want to feel excited on a Friday evening like I used to when I was a kid. I want to be counting down the hours and reading every scrap of info I can on the next game, be it teletext, the gutter press or, nowadays, the Internet.

I want to look around Bristol seeing kids proudly wearing City tops, not bollox like Man Utd, Chelsea, Livershit etc. I've even seen kids in Barcelona tops recently. I mean seriously WTF????

Maybe what I actually want is my youthful exuberance back. Can't turn back time, though.

As I happy medium I'd settle for a club that makes the occasional foray into the top flight whilst coping more than enough in the second tier when we're not there. I suppose I could go and support WBA, but it's in Birmingham and nobody goes there unless it's where they live or if they're from India or Somalia.

What do I expect:

1982 to present day and vaguely similar stuff in between.

Dreams eh?

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Happy with where we are, Loving the competitive nature of the Championship and even the style and standard of football.

But if you don't aim for the stars you'll start to decline, and I really hate the thought of dropping back down to League 1.

I'm happy as long as there is a clear goal. Progression and a willingness to play the game the right way. If we have to stop spending money and start relying on the Academy I'd still be contented. I like the thought of local kids in my local team...

Though a dangerous attitude, I'll be happy as long as we avoid going backwards (relegation) We waited a long time to get into the second tier... I'm still enjoying this.

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I think today's shirt count was something like City 4, Rovers 1. :shocking:

Would be nice to see more City out and about :-)

Championship contenders or above for me please :winner_third_h4h:

I can better that!

A day at Bath park with the kids and it was 11-0! Not ONE blue and white scummy rag all day! Lots of babbies wearing OUR red and white, even 2 yellow shirts. Still loads of Man U tho! :facepalm:

What would I be happy with? ATM, stopping in the NPC would do. I must admit that I am not confident about next season without Caulker but there is a long way to go before we start. Let's give Milly a chance and 'hopefully' we will all be raving come August 7th!

I will still be there for my 36th roller coaster!

U REDS :dancing6:

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