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Southampton Away


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Why do they do this? It will adversely affect the away support, in a fixture which would be easy to get to and from by train, in the daytime.

Once again, fans come bottom of the pile!

Probably for exactly that reason, lots and lots of fans would want to go to this. Change it to the friday night, less fans, less police costs etc etc.

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Why do they do this? It will adversely affect the away support, in a fixture which would be easy to get to and from by train, in the daytime.

Once again, fans come bottom of the pile!

Pretty obvious really, policing is going to be stretched to the limit on NYE,so a football match, with a good size crowd would not be possible to stage on the same day without draughting in extra cover, if available, at a massive expense.

This game was always likely to be moved.

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Why do they do this? It will adversely affect the away support, in a fixture which would be easy to get to and from by train, in the daytime.

Once again, fans come bottom of the pile!

Can still be done on train, but you would get back to Bristol gone 1am and for me back to Taunton 2am!!!!

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