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World Cup In A Racist Country


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This is going to be an embarrasment for FIFA, the Russian league is littered with racist incidents, the latest being a footballing superstar walks off the pitch in disgust after fans throw a banana at him. I suppose they will redeem themselves the following World Cup when it goes to QATAR, well, as long as your not a woman or like a drink.

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This is going to be an embarrasment for FIFA, the Russian league is littered with racist incidents, the latest being a footballing superstar walks off the pitch in disgust after fans throw a banana at him. I suppose they will redeem themselves the following World Cup when it goes to QATAR, well, as long as your not a woman or like a drink.

Dont forget the Euros in Poland and Ukraine next year, two other countries that are renowned for racism...

Its a disgrace but Fifa and Uefa only have themselves to blame imo. The punishments are not anywhere near great enough. a 20,000 pound fine dosnt send out a strong enough message. ******* ban the clubs from the chmapions league and uefa cup if thats what its going to take.

how things like this are seemingly still going un checked in the 21'st century is a ******* disgrace. What did Lazio get for this? Nothing other than a small fine i would of imagined. Makes me so angry.
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Im sure people will say that there is racism in every football league. But Russian Football contains the highest level of racism towards the black race. Should of not been given the WC for such reasons until the fans learn to grow up and accept modern day society as it is.

I'm sure it was all just a jolly jape and that they were just having a game of "Spot the Russian". They're probably all married to blacks so they couldn't possible be racist.

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If a bananna was thrown at an England player I would 100% support him if the team walked off that would send a message. I remember the bad old days

The bad old days when xenophobic twerps played spot the white person British person in cities such as Leicester? You'd be surprised - they're not all that long ago.

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Racism is abhorrent, and I truly hope it is sorted in Russia by 2018 though I fear this is a bit optimistic to say the least. However, might I point out that in Russia and similar Eastern European nations, barely 2 decades- in some cases less- to adjust fully to the modern era. There were very, very, very few black or Asian migrants to the bulk of Eastern Europe during Communism and the same goes for Spain under Franco but to a lesser degree- it took us long enough post WW2 to integrate and adjust fully to being a modern pluralistic, multiracial, multiethnic society. The Lazio example is harder to fathom and is simply racism with no historical suggestions or correlations necessary.

As for here, I'd suggest it perhaps didn't happen fully until the late 1980s, so 4 decades or thereabouts. Even now, it's still not fully gone- million votes for BNP last euroelections for one- don't condone it whatsoever, but like it or not these places are at markedly different stages of development to Western nations more comfortable with the type of society I described above.

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Im sure people will say that there is racism in every football league. But Russian Football contains the highest level of racism towards the black race. Should of not been given the WC for such reasons until the fans learn to grow up and accept modern day society as it is.

You are right about racism being worse in Russia than anywhere else, mate.

That said, it will take generations to change their attitude. What coloured or asian person would want to move to Moscow / St Petersburg etc.. of their own free will ?

Russia will need a huge influx of imigrants before attitudes change, and that is unlikely to happen soon. It will be many, many years before Russia has a tolerant society like the one we enjoy here today.

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You are right about racism being worse in Russia than anywhere else, mate.

That said, it will take generations to change their attitude. What coloured or asian person would want to move to Moscow / St Petersburg etc.. of their own free will ?

Russia will need a huge influx of imigrants before attitudes change, and that is unlikely to happen soon. It will be many, many years before Russia has a tolerant society like the one we enjoy here today.

You don't have to go further than to Denmark. The food you get there is like back in the sixtees..

An immigrant committing a crime leading to prison, independent of lenght, has to leave the country after prison.

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Only been to Russia once and I'll never ever ever go there again. THE Worst country in the world. The Russians and the Salvics for me are actually evil people, they are medieval. Same goes for the Chechens, again sick sick people. This is what decades of Communists dictator ships and repression has done for them, turned them into evil people with little or no regard for life.

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Back to the topic, kinda, I just saw the roberto carlos video, and I aplaud him for walking off, its a shame his team didnt follow him as well. It was Martin Luther King who said someone should be judged on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin, the fact that he is an icon of modern football, and therefore more visible than others just highlights it more, but doesnt make it any sadder than when it happened to Peter Odemwingie, or anyone else.

What I would say though is that it wasnt that long ago that this sort of thing was happening in the uk as well, I can remember the monkey chants in the east end - but now we consider ourselves to be a civilised tolerant race who judge other countries, and call them evil, and animals - it was only 25 years ago that sort of thing was happening here too, and that isnt a massive period of time. We go and invade countries, and take action against Syria - fine, but it was last year some guy died after being smashed in the stomach by a policeman in London - so I cant see how we can judge others on their human rights - Go and read an account of india, slavery, and Ireland in the past before taking the British highroad on how the world should be.

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