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Mobility Scooters

Barrs Court Red

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Are these things issued by the nhs? If so ******* teach the people how to use them.

I nearly had a head on in marlbrough with some confused old goat who'd just left a pub.

More annoying than mopeds.

Anyone else got some tales of these menaces? I once got cut up by one, and the "driver" was on his phone!

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Haha, was thinking of posting somthing like this myself. The other day i saw a 25 stone woman, not old probably 25-30 hooning it along down a narrow path when she managed to hit a men at work sign and knocked it into the road, into the path of a car, who just managed to aviod it. this silly bint then veered into the wall and almost rolled it on its side, lmfao! She was ok, but Jeez.

Then yesterday another fat woman was towing a DOG!!!! this little terrier was not into it at all and got his lead tangled round the wheels, and by its yelp i think she ran over its toe too...ouch!

My Town is literally crawling with them, well them and Slavics/Polish. They are everywhere and Its not just people who have a disabilitys who use them, unless you class obecsity as a disability. I see middle age fat lazy slobs in them, driving on the pavment, forcing pedestrians onto the road, and whats more annoying is the think they can go anywhere they like, even the no vehicle high street is littered with them. Do these things pay road tax? insurence? Christ, if i took my skateboard on that high street I would get battered by all and sundry, but mobility scooters? Oh thats fine.

90% of people who use them are just ******* lazy and could well use the excercise imo, I think only disabled badge holders should be permitted in the no car zones, becuase these lazy ******s are taking the piss.

*coughs* I want one :yes:

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An old lady on one once got cut up by a bus and the only direction from there was into the back of my parked up banger of a 205. It got wedged under the back bumper.

A passer by knocked on the door to ask if it was my car. The old dear was sat there looking confuzzled.

The comments from people while 'detaching' the scooter from my bumper was the highlight of it. "Hope shes got insurance." "Had a bit of a knock have we?" etc etc :laughcont:

Was funny at the time.

IMO they shouldnt be on the road, but i wont get onto that subject.

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