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When I watched him at Bath he looked a bit overweight and generally had a bit of mare. I am a massive Cisse fan and think that he turned our season around last year but if he's come back unfit he's left himself open to the cold shoulder from Keith!

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Cisse doesn't look as fit as the others to me.

But he's probably one to move on anyway as is Clarkson, Johnson and Hunt.

I would have like to see Ball in the WBA squad as he's had a very good pre-season, and glad to see Reid involved - great prospect.

One or two loanee defenders and I'll be a bit more comfortable about the season.

Following the announcement of the West Brom squad I think it is pretty obvious now who is in and who is out of favour with Millen.

Despite the official site saying that Stewart has an ankle injury I think you can add him to those you mention, (Hunt, Johnson, Cisse and Clarkson) plus Ribeiro as well as those who can go now if we can move any of them on.

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