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Here's a crazy theory- so crazy it may have a grain of truth but who knows.

We (i.e. ordinary people in many nations) are actually at war with these speculators etc. Quote in today's Independent from an (anonomyous) Bond Trader:

One trader summed up the market reaction thus: "[The ECB's bond-buying programme] is back but it's not in the right places: what's going to stop us attacking Spain and Italy over the summer months? Because I can't think of anything."

Now, accuse me of overreacting or reading too much into it if you like but that is tantamount to a declaration of something close to war in my eyes- maybe against the Euro, or just financial warfare vs Europe- who the hell knows?

Here is another quote I read some while back when the issues in Greece were just getting going.

Sadly I cannot find or remember the precise wording of the quote but it was something like 'As modern democracy begun in Greece, so the beginning of the end of the Welfare State shall arise.' Interesting.

I'm a bit geared towards left wing views (not far left) personally so yeah call me drastic but one solution I suppose may be to tell speculators- as they and other financial types do to industries in many cases quite rightly- to 'Reform or die'- not necessarily meant as a figure of speech either.

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Interesting. For me it's simple, we've let ourselves in the free world get into a posisition were unnaccountable bankers can effectively brink down nations.

I'm worried about the next 10 years, I got a 6 Month old and a new house :(.

My only hope is that inflation falls and the global crisis doesn't kill off too many jobs

Here's a crazy theory- so crazy it may have a grain of truth but who knows.

We (i.e. ordinary people in many nations) are actually at war with these speculators etc. Quote in today's Independent from an (anonomyous) Bond Trader:

Now, accuse me of overreacting or reading too much into it if you like but that is tantamount to a declaration of something close to war in my eyes- maybe against the Euro, or just financial warfare vs Europe- who the hell knows?

Here is another quote I read some while back when the issues in Greece were just getting going.

Sadly I cannot find or remember the precise wording of the quote but it was something like 'As modern democracy begun in Greece, so the beginning of the end of the Welfare State shall arise.' Interesting.

I'm a bit geared towards left wing views (not far left) personally so yeah call me drastic but one solution I suppose may be to tell speculators- as they and other financial types do to industries in many cases quite rightly- to 'Reform or die'- not necessarily meant as a figure of speech either.

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The problem is that there is Trillions of debt being held by financial institutions and Governments that they hold as Assets at market value on their books that are valueless, even more that has a true value far below that which they declare in their accounts.

The game currently is, who gets lumbered with this debt ? The companies, the US, Europe - countries and banks will go bankrupt, the question is who ? Behind the room deals are being made to ease the value but our Central banks, IMF, and governments know that ultimately when the music stops someone is going to be left holding the parcel, they won't need to unwrap it as it will explode in their faces.

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Here's a crazy theory- so crazy it may have a grain of truth but who knows.

We (i.e. ordinary people in many nations) are actually at war with these speculators etc. Quote in today's Independent from an (anonomyous) Bond Trader:

Now, accuse me of overreacting or reading too much into it if you like but that is tantamount to a declaration of something close to war in my eyes- maybe against the Euro, or just financial warfare vs Europe- who the hell knows?

Here is another quote I read some while back when the issues in Greece were just getting going.

Sadly I cannot find or remember the precise wording of the quote but it was something like 'As modern democracy begun in Greece, so the beginning of the end of the Welfare State shall arise.' Interesting.

Marshy 08/08/11 at 09 00

We have a lot to thank the 'speculators for'. If it hadn't been for Soros et al in 1992 we would probably have continued to suffer in the ERM and would then have been caught up in the whole Eurozone project. The markets are a wonderful antidote to the hubris of the politicians who have got us into this mess. The speculators know what the politicians are afraid to admit, that a one size exchange rate for different economies has never worked and will never work, its weakness will eventually be exposed.


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