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This Is Real Football!

Tim S

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Its hard being a football fan sometimes. Football has an ability to bring out emotions in someone that in everyday life they would never normally display. Sometimes it brings happiness, other times sadness, relief, butterflies in the stomach, anger, stress.... Football fans probably experience more levels of emotion than supporters of any other sport in the world.

But when you become attached to a team, usually from a young age, its almost like becoming married! You know that the years ahead are going to take you on an unpredictable roller coaster ride. You will have moments when you think life doesnt get any better than this. You will at times question your will to live and other times you are just content with what you have.

My point is, that while things havent started well for us this season, we need to get through it - whatever happens, and we need to get behind the team and show our support for the club. There have been times in my life that things havent been going my way, and if it werent for some very close people supporting me and showing that whatever happens they will always be by my side, then it would have been so much harder to get through those bad times. This is what the team needs right now. The lads need to know that everyone is behind them and supporting them and together, we will get through it!

This is real football! Its emotional... but I wouldnt change it for anything in the world.

Through thick and thin, I am a Bristol City fan... always have been - and always will be. ALWAYS BELIEVE!

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Its hard being a football fan sometimes. Football has an ability to bring out emotions in someone that in everyday life they would never normally display. Sometimes it brings happiness, other times sadness, relief, butterflies in the stomach, anger, stress.... Football fans probably experience more levels of emotion than supporters of any other sport in the world.

But when you become attached to a team, usually from a young age, its almost like becoming married! You know that the years ahead are going to take you on an unpredictable roller coaster ride. You will have moments when you think life doesnt get any better than this. You will at times question your will to live and other times you are just content with what you have.

My point is, that while things havent started well for us this season, we need to get through it - whatever happens, and we need to get behind the team and show our support for the club. There have been times in my life that things havent been going my way, and if it werent for some very close people supporting me and showing that whatever happens they will always be by my side, then it would have been so much harder to get through those bad times. This is what the team needs right now. The lads need to know that everyone is behind them and supporting them and together, we will get through it!

This is real football! Its emotional... but I wouldnt change it for anything in the world.

Through thick and thin, I am a Bristol City fan... always have been - and always will be. ALWAYS BELIEVE!

Well said that man. Being a football fan and especially a City fan you have to take the rough with the smooth. Taking your point about difficult times in life, when I've been through the bad times the football club has always been there to help by giving me a sense of belonging, knowing you shared some thing in common with those around you no matter how different their live were to your own. From break ups to bereavments for a few hours watching the reds took my mind off of many things. Be it in crowds of less than 6,000 in the old 4th Div days to 40,000 at Cardiff or Wembely. We need to pull together and back the lads (every one of them) My family know the three most important things in my life are the wife my kids and BCFC and if you ask the wife and kids they'll tell you that that is in reverse order because I've been a City fan longer than I've been a dad or husband!:whistle2:

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