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The Search For Millen


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Bristol City fans continue their cry for a new leader after League 1 outfit Swindon Town captured faltering manager Keith Millen's stronghold in South Bristol on Wednesday, while outside forces are cheering them on.

A spokesman for the rebelling City fans said Millen has lost control of 95 percent of the fanbase, which should spell an end to his rule. However, the intentions of the embattled manager are still unknown, although he is apparently quite prepared to lead his flock into the deserts of League 1 rather than do the honourable thing and fall on his sword. Pundits said they had seen nothing like it since...well, just over a year ago...when the Johnson family had to be reluctantly evicted from their walled compound followed by a transitional leader who turned out not to be the Messiah that was expected but a very naughty boy.

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