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Forest Vs West Ham

Tim S

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Half time and its Forest 0-3 West Ham

Anyone watching it? Are Forest really bad or are West Ham really good? Only just turned the telly on!

Watching it with a banging headache, drank way too much last night!! All the WH goals have been very opportunistic. First was an own goal and the other two were tap ins inside the box.. Other than that the game has been pretty even to be honest, 3-0 dosn't reflect it well.

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I cant see them going down, I think they will improve as the season goes on - much like I believe we will improve too.

Id be interested to see how long the Forest fans give McClaren before they start to loose patience with him especially as the expectation levels up there are ridiculous! Their fans still think they have some god given right to be walking this league.

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Watched all of it, Forests defending was on the par as our defence! Couldn't defend set pieces or anything. Mclaren reminded me of Millen a bit, instead of standing their he just sat there doing nothing.

Woulden't say their in trouble, but bought alot of overrated players imo.

And West ham looked good arbeit a little bit route 1.

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