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How Has This Board Lost It's Vision?


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I always thought that the board had a vision to get to the premier league so why are they not taking steps to address this.

If they keep millen in charge its league 1 they need to act now before Saturday, the waiting is over its time for millen to get his marching orders.

That's the only way the boards vision can turn to reality.

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Without SL at the helm,there is no vision,I think he saw the writing on the wall,and effectively retired.He still holds the purse strings,but has lost interest,leaving us with a puppet board,who couldn't make a decision to save their lives.We desperately need new investment,but where from is the problem.Happy days.

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There's no doubt that there are big problems at the club from top to bottom. Just replacing the manager will not fix this. A chairman willing to make his mark and take this club forward, and a nucleus of competent, combative players are also needed.

I fear that that is too much to fix within the remainder of the season.

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There's no money, it's as simple as that, we are stuck with what we have got, if Millen goes then an appointment within the club would be made.

Of course the statement above is just my opinion but the lack of communication from the current chairman is leading every Tom, Dick and Harry to their own conclusions (including me), the only thing that is 100% sure is that this club is going to the dogs, something's not right and the longer it's left the worse it's going to get.

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I think you are all getting a bit melodramatic. You are suggesting the board have gone from wizards of business to incompetent fools in the space of 6-12 months. That is non-sensical.

The board will act, mark my words, and they will act soon and with decisiveness. There is far too much investment made and at stake for that not to happen should an upturn in fortunes not now be rapid which, we all know, is not viable with rudderless in charge down in the dugout.

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beanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Finally, Colin: "I am sure if there is anyone to give it a good go (at Blackpool) then Keith will be able to do that." #BristolCity1 minute ago [url=http://twitter.com/#]»beanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Colin says: "Keith is a resourceful character, he is also a tough character despite what some might think and he is going to have to be."1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Replybeanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Colin: "We feel every bit of pain the fans feel. I feel it and I know Steve Lansdown feels it because I was with him today." #BristolCity2 minutes ago [url=http://twitter.com/#]beanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Colin adds: "It would be silly to say our position isn't worrying & not a threat. We have to do is all we can to turn this around."4 minutes ago [url=http://twitter.com/#]beanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Colin on the season so far: "I think I speak for everyone on the board when I say we are all disappointed." #BristolCity5 minutes ago [url=http://twitter.com/#]beanhead_normal.jpgbean_head Adam Baker Colin on last night: "We were all dumbstruck really. I think everyone in the ground was. It was a feeling utter disappointment."5 minutes ago

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So, business as usual then for the time being. Utterly dumbstruck by their lack of action and thinking Millen still has it in him. Absolutely dumbstruck.

Well, they will reap the whirlwind soon enough if it continues to be business as usual.

my gut feeling is that the rather 'throw away' remark by CS that he was 'with SL today' suggests they had a crisis meeting. Maybe 'D' day for Millen will loom large very soon. I hope so.

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