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Thanks, saves me the bother to go looking and posting it.

Words fail me they really do when City ''fans'' prasie this buffoon and then have the cheek to suggest he stands in OUR dugout managing OUR club? Madness.

as my number of posts suggest, i'm new to this board - but I'm not new to city. the fact that some of our so-called fans are even raising his name is beyond comprehension. or have these people only jumped onto city during the wembley season. That's my only explanation, as surely any city with a working, sound mind would rather set fire to their eyes than give that piece of string the gloating satisfaction of sending our club even further down the tubes. what next will they be suggesting, a kit change to red and white quarters?? hell, lets get devon white as assistant manager while we're at it. :argh:

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I am City since 1984. I am happy to accept all small minded comments for what I am about to post:

I would love someone with Holloway's passion, his 'us against the world' mentality (which he shares with Colin) to stand atop an open top bus and share the news that he has brought PL football to Ashton Vale! Holloway is passionate - not against BCFC, but for his current club. It happened to be BRFC at the time but he was just as passionate (and wound up his rivals) at his subsequent clubs, particularly as a manager.

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I am City since 1984. I am happy to accept all small minded comments for what I am about to post:

I would love someone with Holloway's passion, his 'us against the world' mentality (which he shares with Colin) to stand atop an open top bus and share the news that he has brought PL football to Ashton Vale! Holloway is passionate - not against BCFC, but for his current club. It happened to be BRFC at the time but he was just as passionate (and wound up his rivals) at his subsequent clubs, particularly as a manager.

OH DEAR! open top bus,see earlier post.

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I am City since 1984. I am happy to accept all small minded comments for what I am about to post:

I would love someone with Holloway's passion, his 'us against the world' mentality (which he shares with Colin) to stand atop an open top bus and share the news that he has brought PL football to Ashton Vale! Holloway is passionate - not against BCFC, but for his current club. It happened to be BRFC at the time but he was just as passionate (and wound up his rivals) at his subsequent clubs, particularly as a manager.

He hates us. He may of mellowed, but he still hates us. And I think if appointed we could lose a mass of our fan base. Of course the board wouldn't be that stupid, would they?!

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I am City since 1984. I am happy to accept all small minded comments for what I am about to post:

I would love someone with Holloway's passion, his 'us against the world' mentality (which he shares with Colin) to stand atop an open top bus and share the news that he has brought PL football to Ashton Vale! Holloway is passionate - not against BCFC, but for his current club. It happened to be BRFC at the time but he was just as passionate (and wound up his rivals) at his subsequent clubs, particularly as a manager.

one small fact might just go against him in all this palava

he hates bcfc by the way

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and I think apart from the open bus and the fact he is diehard gas, you've got to ask questions about his actual management ability. average at QPR, Plymouth betrayed and left in the lurch, Leicester pretty disastrous. Hats off to what he did at Blackpool, but one swallow does not a summer make. Just because he's good for a barmy, half-witted quote and waves his arms around people are assuming he'd take us to the prem - I actually prefer someone to display tactical nous, acumen in the transfer market, you know, crazy things like that. Judging by his other managerial stints the prem is not exactly a foregone conclusion even if we did get into bed with the devil.

and aside from that, yeah, just keep watching that bus video. :grr:

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I am City since 1984. I am happy to accept all small minded comments for what I am about to post:

I would love someone with Holloway's passion, his 'us against the world' mentality (which he shares with Colin) to stand atop an open top bus and share the news that he has brought PL football to Ashton Vale! Holloway is passionate - not against BCFC, but for his current club. It happened to be BRFC at the time but he was just as passionate (and wound up his rivals) at his subsequent clubs, particularly as a manager.

I don't know how many times I've had to tell this story on this forum, and how long it will take some people to understand how much of a **** he is, but I'll say again :

When I was 11 years old I lived in Longwell Green. Holloway's mum lived 3 doors up from me. Holloway was captain of Rovers at the time (i.e. in what should be a respectable position and "face" of the club. My mother drove me down to Banjo Island (Park Estate for those of you without the local knowledge!). I jumped out of the car and walked into a shop to buy a packet of crisps - I was wearing my City shirt. As I came back out of the shop and got back in the car, my mum asked me a simple question. "What's a S.**thead?" she asked. Of course, I was shocked that my mother would ask such a question, and she knew nothing about football, and City. She went on to say that the bloke over there just called me a s.**head behind my back. I looked over and it was Holloway. He'd walked behind me to the post-office and mouthed the words effing s.**head behind my back. I remind you...I was 11 years old.

Quite how anyone would want such a horrible little man as our manager I'll never know, and for me it's personal. The quote highlighted above is 100% wrong. This is a man who does have a hatred towards our club, and I for one will never ever set foot anywhere near the Gate if he was ever appointed.

I'd like to ask those people who are calling for him to answer me one thing. If he'd verbally abused your child for supporting City, would you want him as your manager? I'd guess not. As a fellow City fan, and part of our very own big City family, I'd politely ask you to consider me to be one of your sons/brothers and respect my wishes to give this little git a very wide berth.

Oh...and please please please do not applaud him again when he comes to the Gate. I've never felt so ashamed!!

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Still makes me sick how he got a standing ovation from the corners of the Atyeo and Williams that time.

That rat was lapping the attention bowing and

waving to the now soft AG crowd.

Spot on mate, makes me want to vomit seeing that gas **** talked about like he's some sort of legend.

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I don't know how many times I've had to tell this story on this forum, and how long it will take some people to understand how much of a **** he is, but I'll say again :

When I was 11 years old I lived in Longwell Green. Holloway's mum lived 3 doors up from me. Holloway was captain of Rovers at the time (i.e. in what should be a respectable position and "face" of the club. My mother drove me down to Banjo Island (Park Estate for those of you without the local knowledge!). I jumped out of the car and walked into a shop to buy a packet of crisps - I was wearing my City shirt. As I came back out of the shop and got back in the car, my mum asked me a simple question. "What's a S.**thead?" she asked. Of course, I was shocked that my mother would ask such a question, and she knew nothing about football, and City. She went on to say that the bloke over there just called me a s.**head behind my back. I looked over and it was Holloway. He'd walked behind me to the post-office and mouthed the words effing s.**head behind my back. I remind you...I was 11 years old.

Quite how anyone would want such a horrible little man as our manager I'll never know, and for me it's personal. The quote highlighted above is 100% wrong. This is a man who does have a hatred towards our club, and I for one will never ever set foot anywhere near the Gate if he was ever appointed.

I'd like to ask those people who are calling for him to answer me one thing. If he'd verbally abused your child for supporting City, would you want him as your manager? I'd guess not. As a fellow City fan, and part of our very own big City family, I'd politely ask you to consider me to be one of your sons/brothers and respect my wishes to give this little git a very wide berth.

Oh...and please please please do not applaud him again when he comes to the Gate. I've never felt so ashamed!!

I can only echo the above comments. Holloway hates City with a passion, always has done, always will do. I too had a similar run in when I was 16, and he was manager of the g*s. Those blue few were training at The Beeches, and a few friends and I were having a kick about on the 5 a side courts. 2 of us City fans started singing some City songs - none offensive, anti-g*s or anti-Holloway songs, merely 'we will follow the City' and the like, and he turned round and shouted 'good luck to you lads, although they could do with you this season', referring to our awful 98-99 season we were enduring. Our response was to merely remind him of the previous few results between our clubs, again not in an offensive way just responding to his comments with no bad language involved, and he went crazy, shouting at us, effing this, effing that, it's about this effing season not the past, that sort of thing. Then he went on to have the gall to say to my mate that he had an attitude problem! This coming from a supposedly professional football manager towards a few kids! One of the lads with us is a Man City fan and he was shocked that a manager would behave like this.

A couple of days later I was playing pool inside the Pro 5 building on my lunch break from college with some other friends that are not football fans, when the g*s squad finished training and came in for their lunch. He spotted me in the corner and said to himself, loud enough for me to hear though, 'better dead than red, that's what I say'. Now, I expect a bit of banter but he wasn't doing this in a friendly way, it was vicious, spiteful hatred for our club. And as I said, like in Harry's case, towards kids as well. I have no respect for him whatsoever, and I too was disgusted with the reception he got down here when he was manager of Leicester. A vile person who should get what he deserves from us - absolutely nothing.

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I can only echo the above comments. Holloway hates City with a passion, always has done, always will do. I too had a similar run in when I was 16, and he was manager of the g*s. Those blue few were training at The Beeches, and a few friends and I were having a kick about on the 5 a side courts. 2 of us City fans started singing some City songs - none offensive, anti-g*s or anti-Holloway songs, merely 'we will follow the City' and the like, and he turned round and shouted 'good luck to you lads, although they could do with you this season', referring to our awful 98-99 season we were enduring. Our response was to merely remind him of the previous few results between our clubs, again not in an offensive way just responding to his comments with no bad language involved, and he went crazy, shouting at us, effing this, effing that, it's about this effing season not the past, that sort of thing. Then he went on to have the gall to say to my mate that he had an attitude problem! This coming from a supposedly professional football manager towards a few kids! One of the lads with us is a Man City fan and he was shocked that a manager would behave like this.

A couple of days later I was playing pool inside the Pro 5 building on my lunch break from college with some other friends that are not football fans, when the g*s squad finished training and came in for their lunch. He spotted me in the corner and said to himself, loud enough for me to hear though, 'better dead than red, that's what I say'. Now, I expect a bit of banter but he wasn't doing this in a friendly way, it was vicious, spiteful hatred for our club. And as I said, like in Harry's case, towards kids as well. I have no respect for him whatsoever, and I too was disgusted with the reception he got down here when he was manager of Leicester. A vile person who should get what he deserves from us - absolutely nothing.

Well done MM - hopefully one day the message will get through.

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