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Atmosphere - A Rallying Call


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Ok, so we all agree there's a new freshness about the forum, and for the most part a new excitement about our new men at the helm.

There are also a number of threads making attempts to dedicate songs to our new gaffer, some decent, some awful.

We all know that Ashton Gate has become something of a library of late, and who can blame us. There's not been much coming from the pitch or the dugout to inspire the Red Army (and indeed the Red Army have been dwindling in numbers as a result!).

We should still enter Sunday's game with an amount of uncertainty and we shouldn't enter with any expectations of Del & Doc turning things around for us so soon - it's gonna be a tough game and a baptism of fire for the new management duo. But one thing we as fans can do is to show our new management team exactly what a packed Ashton Gate can feel like.

We all go to football for a variety of reasons - some of us enjoy a nice day out with friends and like-minded individuals, some enjoy a few pints beforehand and a sing-song, some attend because they have nothing better to do, for others it's a family day out, but one thing is for sure - every single football fan enjoys an atmosphere. It's what makes the game so successful, so vibrant, so entertaining, it's what provides that sense of rivalry, of battle, of pride. We all have different recollections of our first games and why we became embroiled in the world of BCFC. It isn't a curse. It isn't compulsory. We choose to follow the boys because we all have memories of fantastic moments, great players, great goals, but more than anything great atmospheres, the vibe, the buzz, the feeling you get when you approach the ground at 3pm. There's nothing like it. We need to make sure we bring back the fun, the camaraderie, the vibe, the intensity, the raucousness, the pride, the feeling part of something.



Lets show our new Manager exactly what we've got. Ashton Gate when it is roaring from all sides is a daunting place. Remember Forest in '89? Remember Hartlepool in '04? Remember Huddersfield in '88 with all 4 sides of the ground singing "One Bobby Taylor" in unison. Remember Middlesbrough in the cup in '07 - a report in a Sunday newspaper stated that when we scored, the noise was at a level higher than you'd expect to hear from 100,000 packed in at the Nou Camp!

That's what we are capable of. We can be intimidating. We can be inspiring. We can be whatever we want us to be. We are the crowd, we create the atmosphere. Let us be as one on Sunday and show everyone that we are back, and we are not lying down, we're up for the fight. 15,000 individuals = 1 crowd. Let's rock that Gate again. Let's get Health and Safety worried over the stability of the Dolman Stand. Let's make sure no team comes to the Gate and walks over us. This is OUR HOUSE. No-one walks into OUR HOUSE and robs us. We fight back. With everything we have. It starts with us ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses. We must make an opponents visit to OUR HOUSE feel worse than a lonely trip to a Transylvanian Castle on a dark and stormy night, we must make OUR HOUSE start to rock, we must make the away team and fans feel as if they are in a cauldron and fear for their lives. We must become the advantage, become the 12th man, become the difference. We have it in us, we just have to believe in it and make it happen.

It starts on Sunday. The troops of the Red Army must stand up as one. Form into our 4 battalions - The East End, The Dolman, The Williams and The Atyeo. And upon the sight of our heroes in Red, we must unite as one and become a crowd again.

Once settled into our respective Battalion Forward Operating Base, listen out for the Commander of your Regiment. When one man makes the charge, we must all make the charge. Stand up you beautiful legion of Red Army warriors. Stand up and be counted. Stand up and make your voice heard.

We need to keep it simple for now. Something everyone can sing.

Your Orders are as follows :

2.55pm - 11 Red Gladiators take to the field to a mighty roar from all sides.

2.56pm - Derek McInnes is introduced over the PA. Everyone must stand and roar and sing in unison "One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes, One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes - repeat at least 3 times.

2.58pm - Cheer raucously the name of every single Red Army Gladiator whose name is announced over the PA.

3.00pm - As kick-off is approaching we need everyone on their feet singing the one song that we all know (no excuses for not joining in), at the top of your voices "Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds" repeat at least 3 times. This is our opportunity to be heard as far away as Asda Bedminster!! It can happen.

3.01pm - Now is the time for a huge chorus of "Flying High Up In The Sky, We'll Keep The Red Flag Flying High, Cider 'Eds Until We Die, We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying High" repeat at least 3 times.

3.03pm - Get up off your feet and sing with total passion "City Til I Die, I'm City Til I Die, I Know I Am, I'm Sure I Am, I'm City Til I Die" repeat at least 3 times.

3.05pm - 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil (Hopefully!)

3.06pm - Time for a new one. Learn the words folks.

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up,

We'll Win The League and We'll Win The Cup,

And We'll All Drink Cider, In The Premier League.

repeat at least 3 times.

3.08 - "McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, He Came With Docherty, To Manage The City". repeat at least 3 times.

Of course, if at any point in time those blue-nose harbingers of scuzz in the far corner pop up with anything, a simple rendition of "Who the ****** Hell Are You" will soon sort them out.

I'll not dictate any more to you. At this point the ground should be rocking. All you need to do is listen for the next instruction from your Commanding Officer. Whatever he sings, you join him and sing it loud and proud.

Field Marshall Harry, signing off.

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Fcukin el u hav bin busy!! If i can add my most recent memory of noise it has to b v palace in play off semis. In 25 yrs of goin to the gate ive never heard noise like it. The dolman was literally bouncing. But u r rite, we hav no reason not to support now. New regime, new hope, new atmosphere please!!!

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Ok, so we all agree there's a new freshness about the forum, and for the most part a new excitement about our new men at the helm.

There are also a number of threads making attempts to dedicate songs to our new gaffer, some decent, some awful.

We all know that Ashton Gate has become something of a library of late, and who can blame us. There's not been much coming from the pitch or the dugout to inspire the Red Army (and indeed the Red Army have been dwindling in numbers as a result!).

We should still enter Sunday's game with an amount of uncertainty and we shouldn't enter with any expectations of Del & Doc turning things around for us so soon - it's gonna be a tough game and a baptism of fire for the new management duo. But one thing we as fans can do is to show our new management team exactly what a packed Ashton Gate can feel like.

We all go to football for a variety of reasons - some of us enjoy a nice day out with friends and like-minded individuals, some enjoy a few pints beforehand and a sing-song, some attend because they have nothing better to do, for others it's a family day out, but one thing is for sure - every single football fan enjoys an atmosphere. It's what makes the game so successful, so vibrant, so entertaining, it's what provides that sense of rivalry, of battle, of pride. We all have different recollections of our first games and why we became embroiled in the world of BCFC. It isn't a curse. It isn't compulsory. We choose to follow the boys because we all have memories of fantastic moments, great players, great goals, but more than anything great atmospheres, the vibe, the buzz, the feeling you get when you approach the ground at 3pm. There's nothing like it. We need to make sure we bring back the fun, the camaraderie, the vibe, the intensity, the raucousness, the pride, the feeling part of something.



Lets show our new Manager exactly what we've got. Ashton Gate when it is roaring from all sides is a daunting place. Remember Forest in '89? Remember Hartlepool in '04? Remember Huddersfield in '88 with all 4 sides of the ground singing "One Bobby Taylor" in unison. Remember Middlesbrough in the cup in '07 - a report in a Sunday newspaper stated that when we scored, the noise was at a level higher than you'd expect to hear from 100,000 packed in at the Nou Camp!

That's what we are capable of. We can be intimidating. We can be inspiring. We can be whatever we want us to be. We are the crowd, we create the atmosphere. Let us be as one on Sunday and show everyone that we are back, and we are not lying down, we're up for the fight. 15,000 individuals = 1 crowd. Let's rock that Gate again. Let's get Health and Safety worried over the stability of the Dolman Stand. Let's make sure no team comes to the Gate and walks over us. This is OUR HOUSE. No-one walks into OUR HOUSE and robs us. We fight back. With everything we have. It starts with us ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses. We must make an opponents visit to OUR HOUSE feel worse than a lonely trip to a Transylvanian Castle on a dark and stormy night, we must make OUR HOUSE start to rock, we must make the away team and fans feel as if they are in a cauldron and fear for their lives. We must become the advantage, become the 12th man, become the difference. We have it in us, we just have to believe in it and make it happen.

It starts on Sunday. The troops of the Red Army must stand up as one. Form into our 4 battalions - The East End, The Dolman, The Williams and The Atyeo. And upon the sight of our heroes in Red, we must unite as one and become a crowd again.

Once settled into our respective Battalion Forward Operating Base, listen out for the Commander of your Regiment. When one man makes the charge, we must all make the charge. Stand up you beautiful legion of Red Army warriors. Stand up and be counted. Stand up and make your voice heard.

We need to keep it simple for now. Something everyone can sing.

Your Orders are as follows :

2.55pm - 11 Red Gladiators take to the field to a mighty roar from all sides.

2.56pm - Derek McInnes is introduced over the PA. Everyone must stand and roar and sing in unison "One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes, One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes - repeat at least 3 times.

2.58pm - Cheer raucously the name of every single Red Army Gladiator whose name is announced over the PA.

3.00pm - As kick-off is approaching we need everyone on their feet singing the one song that we all know (no excuses for not joining in), at the top of your voices "Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds" repeat at least 3 times. This is our opportunity to be heard as far away as Asda Bedminster!! It can happen.

3.01pm - Now is the time for a huge chorus of "Flying High Up In The Sky, We'll Keep The Red Flag Flying High, Cider 'Eds Until We Die, We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying High" repeat at least 3 times.

3.03pm - Get up off your feet and sing with total passion "City Til I Die, I'm City Til I Die, I Know I Am, I'm Sure I Am, I'm City Til I Die" repeat at least 3 times.

3.05pm - 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil (Hopefully!)

3.06pm - Time for a new one. Learn the words folks.

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up,

We'll Win The League and We'll Win The Cup,

And We'll All Drink Cider, In The Premier League.

repeat at least 3 times.

3.08 - "McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, He Came With Docherty, To Manage The City". repeat at least 3 times.

Of course, if at any point in time those blue-nose harbingers of scuzz in the far corner pop up with anything, a simple rendition of "Who the ****** Hell Are You" will soon sort them out.

I'll not dictate any more to you. At this point the ground should be rocking. All you need to do is listen for the next instruction from your Commanding Officer. Whatever he sings, you join him and sing it loud and proud.

Field Marshall Harry, signing off.

I'm in tears here. You related to Winston Churchill?? Course it will all go tits up if Brum get an early goal.

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Not bein funny but i hope to c some 50+ old boys in blocks a and b of the dolman sunday. Last seen last season. Lots of noise and passion with the majority of the bcfc librarians sat around in amazement that sumone dare make sum noise!! May i suggest marmite that every song is replaced with the 'doo b doo'?? Awesome blasts of ooooooooooooooooohhhh lasting for 20 seconds or so followed with doo b doo etc. Its my personal favourite, brought about by annual trips to brentford in league one days i reckon! The old boys know it, perhaps the younger generation should learn it, after all, there arent many words to remember!!!

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'kin 'ell - you've been at the cooking sherry earlier than usual for a friday.

Looking forward to a good old fashioned atmos on sunday (hmmmm, sounds a bit weird. . . )

C O M E O N Y O U R E D S !!!!!!

:city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city: :city:

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Fantastic post.

But please, never ever ask the Red Battalion to sing "Hurrah" again :disapointed2se:

A bit harsh mate, remember the words of Joe Strummer have been adopted by the East End in recent years:

"When Johnny comes marching home again, Hurrah, Haurrah!" became: "Johnson's gonna take us up, Hurrah, Hurrah!"

Harry, stick with the Churchillian rallying crys, that was inspiring, I'll be right behind you on Sunday. Do work on your lyric writing though...:cool:

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Ok, so we all agree there's a new freshness about the forum, and for the most part a new excitement about our new men at the helm.

There are also a number of threads making attempts to dedicate songs to our new gaffer, some decent, some awful.

We all know that Ashton Gate has become something of a library of late, and who can blame us. There's not been much coming from the pitch or the dugout to inspire the Red Army (and indeed the Red Army have been dwindling in numbers as a result!).

We should still enter Sunday's game with an amount of uncertainty and we shouldn't enter with any expectations of Del & Doc turning things around for us so soon - it's gonna be a tough game and a baptism of fire for the new management duo. But one thing we as fans can do is to show our new management team exactly what a packed Ashton Gate can feel like.

We all go to football for a variety of reasons - some of us enjoy a nice day out with friends and like-minded individuals, some enjoy a few pints beforehand and a sing-song, some attend because they have nothing better to do, for others it's a family day out, but one thing is for sure - every single football fan enjoys an atmosphere. It's what makes the game so successful, so vibrant, so entertaining, it's what provides that sense of rivalry, of battle, of pride. We all have different recollections of our first games and why we became embroiled in the world of BCFC. It isn't a curse. It isn't compulsory. We choose to follow the boys because we all have memories of fantastic moments, great players, great goals, but more than anything great atmospheres, the vibe, the buzz, the feeling you get when you approach the ground at 3pm. There's nothing like it. We need to make sure we bring back the fun, the camaraderie, the vibe, the intensity, the raucousness, the pride, the feeling part of something.



Lets show our new Manager exactly what we've got. Ashton Gate when it is roaring from all sides is a daunting place. Remember Forest in '89? Remember Hartlepool in '04? Remember Huddersfield in '88 with all 4 sides of the ground singing "One Bobby Taylor" in unison. Remember Middlesbrough in the cup in '07 - a report in a Sunday newspaper stated that when we scored, the noise was at a level higher than you'd expect to hear from 100,000 packed in at the Nou Camp![/color]

That's what we are capable of. We can be intimidating. We can be inspiring. We can be whatever we want us to be. We are the crowd, we create the atmosphere. Let us be as one on Sunday and show everyone that we are back, and we are not lying down, we're up for the fight. 15,000 individuals = 1 crowd. Let's rock that Gate again. Let's get Health and Safety worried over the stability of the Dolman Stand. Let's make sure no team comes to the Gate and walks over us. This is OUR HOUSE. No-one walks into OUR HOUSE and robs us. We fight back. With everything we have. It starts with us ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses. We must make an opponents visit to OUR HOUSE feel worse than a lonely trip to a Transylvanian Castle on a dark and stormy night, we must make OUR HOUSE start to rock, we must make the away team and fans feel as if they are in a cauldron and fear for their lives. We must become the advantage, become the 12th man, become the difference. We have it in us, we just have to believe in it and make it happen.

It starts on Sunday. The troops of the Red Army must stand up as one. Form into our 4 battalions - The East End, The Dolman, The Williams and The Atyeo. And upon the sight of our heroes in Red, we must unite as one and become a crowd again.

Once settled into our respective Battalion Forward Operating Base, listen out for the Commander of your Regiment. When one man makes the charge, we must all make the charge. Stand up you beautiful legion of Red Army warriors. Stand up and be counted. Stand up and make your voice heard.

We need to keep it simple for now. Something everyone can sing.

Your Orders are as follows :

2.55pm - 11 Red Gladiators take to the field to a mighty roar from all sides.

2.56pm - Derek McInnes is introduced over the PA. Everyone must stand and roar and sing in unison "One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes, One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes - repeat at least 3 times.

2.58pm - Cheer raucously the name of every single Red Army Gladiator whose name is announced over the PA.

3.00pm - As kick-off is approaching we need everyone on their feet singing the one song that we all know (no excuses for not joining in), at the top of your voices "Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds" repeat at least 3 times. This is our opportunity to be heard as far away as Asda Bedminster!! It can happen.

3.01pm - Now is the time for a huge chorus of "Flying High Up In The Sky, We'll Keep The Red Flag Flying High, Cider 'Eds Until We Die, We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying High" repeat at least 3 times.

3.03pm - Get up off your feet and sing with total passion "City Til I Die, I'm City Til I Die, I Know I Am, I'm Sure I Am, I'm City Til I Die" repeat at least 3 times.

3.05pm - 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil (Hopefully!)

3.06pm - Time for a new one. Learn the words folks.

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up,

We'll Win The League and We'll Win The Cup,

And We'll All Drink Cider, In The Premier League.

repeat at least 3 times.

3.08 - "McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, He Came With Docherty, To Manage The City". repeat at least 3 times.

Of course, if at any point in time those blue-nose harbingers of scuzz in the far corner pop up with anything, a simple rendition of "Who the ****** Hell Are You" will soon sort them out.

I'll not dictate any more to you. At this point the ground should be rocking. All you need to do is listen for the next instruction from your Commanding Officer. Whatever he sings, you join him and sing it loud and proud.

Field Marshall Harry, signing off.

Harry it was graham poll who said that after the hartlepool 2nd leg which he referred, that night was rocking as you will know

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Harry it was graham poll who said that after the hartlepool 2nd leg which he referred, that night was rocking as you will know

Indeed, I remember it well, with Christian Roberts on my shoulders!!!

Poll may well have said something along those lines, but there was definitely an article in a Sunday rag after that Boro game, claiming the noise when we scored was immense and like nothing else!

We can be loud when we wanna be.

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Indeed, I remember it well, with Christian Roberts on my shoulders!!!

Poll may well have said something along those lines, but there was definitely an article in a Sunday rag after that Boro game, claiming the noise when we scored was immense and like nothing else!

We can be loud when we wanna be.

Fantastic post Harry. You are right because the roar from the Red Army can be deafening but you don't hear it often due to all the lean and hard times on the pitch that we've had to endure in recent years. If McInnes and Co get us on a decent cup run that's when you're most likely to hear the Ashton roar again.

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Good post lets let our excitement out of what keep people saying of this sunday the start of our season even if we go one down early! I think what would help if we could have no pre match music 5 or 10 minutes before the game and nothing better than hearing city fans alone sing. COYR

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Ok, so we all agree there's a new freshness about the forum, and for the most part a new excitement about our new men at the helm.

There are also a number of threads making attempts to dedicate songs to our new gaffer, some decent, some awful.

We all know that Ashton Gate has become something of a library of late, and who can blame us. There's not been much coming from the pitch or the dugout to inspire the Red Army (and indeed the Red Army have been dwindling in numbers as a result!).

We should still enter Sunday's game with an amount of uncertainty and we shouldn't enter with any expectations of Del & Doc turning things around for us so soon - it's gonna be a tough game and a baptism of fire for the new management duo. But one thing we as fans can do is to show our new management team exactly what a packed Ashton Gate can feel like.

We all go to football for a variety of reasons - some of us enjoy a nice day out with friends and like-minded individuals, some enjoy a few pints beforehand and a sing-song, some attend because they have nothing better to do, for others it's a family day out, but one thing is for sure - every single football fan enjoys an atmosphere. It's what makes the game so successful, so vibrant, so entertaining, it's what provides that sense of rivalry, of battle, of pride. We all have different recollections of our first games and why we became embroiled in the world of BCFC. It isn't a curse. It isn't compulsory. We choose to follow the boys because we all have memories of fantastic moments, great players, great goals, but more than anything great atmospheres, the vibe, the buzz, the feeling you get when you approach the ground at 3pm. There's nothing like it. We need to make sure we bring back the fun, the camaraderie, the vibe, the intensity, the raucousness, the pride, the feeling part of something.



Lets show our new Manager exactly what we've got. Ashton Gate when it is roaring from all sides is a daunting place. Remember Forest in '89? Remember Hartlepool in '04? Remember Huddersfield in '88 with all 4 sides of the ground singing "One Bobby Taylor" in unison. Remember Middlesbrough in the cup in '07 - a report in a Sunday newspaper stated that when we scored, the noise was at a level higher than you'd expect to hear from 100,000 packed in at the Nou Camp!

That's what we are capable of. We can be intimidating. We can be inspiring. We can be whatever we want us to be. We are the crowd, we create the atmosphere. Let us be as one on Sunday and show everyone that we are back, and we are not lying down, we're up for the fight. 15,000 individuals = 1 crowd. Let's rock that Gate again. Let's get Health and Safety worried over the stability of the Dolman Stand. Let's make sure no team comes to the Gate and walks over us. This is OUR HOUSE. No-one walks into OUR HOUSE and robs us. We fight back. With everything we have. It starts with us ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses. We must make an opponents visit to OUR HOUSE feel worse than a lonely trip to a Transylvanian Castle on a dark and stormy night, we must make OUR HOUSE start to rock, we must make the away team and fans feel as if they are in a cauldron and fear for their lives. We must become the advantage, become the 12th man, become the difference. We have it in us, we just have to believe in it and make it happen.

It starts on Sunday. The troops of the Red Army must stand up as one. Form into our 4 battalions - The East End, The Dolman, The Williams and The Atyeo. And upon the sight of our heroes in Red, we must unite as one and become a crowd again.

Once settled into our respective Battalion Forward Operating Base, listen out for the Commander of your Regiment. When one man makes the charge, we must all make the charge. Stand up you beautiful legion of Red Army warriors. Stand up and be counted. Stand up and make your voice heard.

We need to keep it simple for now. Something everyone can sing.

Your Orders are as follows :

2.55pm - 11 Red Gladiators take to the field to a mighty roar from all sides.

2.56pm - Derek McInnes is introduced over the PA. Everyone must stand and roar and sing in unison "One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes, One Del McInnes, There's Only One Del McInnes - repeat at least 3 times.

2.58pm - Cheer raucously the name of every single Red Army Gladiator whose name is announced over the PA.

3.00pm - As kick-off is approaching we need everyone on their feet singing the one song that we all know (no excuses for not joining in), at the top of your voices "Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds, Come On You Reds" repeat at least 3 times. This is our opportunity to be heard as far away as Asda Bedminster!! It can happen.

3.01pm - Now is the time for a huge chorus of "Flying High Up In The Sky, We'll Keep The Red Flag Flying High, Cider 'Eds Until We Die, We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying High" repeat at least 3 times.

3.03pm - Get up off your feet and sing with total passion "City Til I Die, I'm City Til I Die, I Know I Am, I'm Sure I Am, I'm City Til I Die" repeat at least 3 times.

3.05pm - 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil (Hopefully!)

3.06pm - Time for a new one. Learn the words folks.

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up, Hurrah, Hurrah,

Del & Doc Will Take Us Up,

We'll Win The League and We'll Win The Cup,

And We'll All Drink Cider, In The Premier League.

repeat at least 3 times.

3.08 - "McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, McInnes, Whooaaaoooo, He Came With Docherty, To Manage The City". repeat at least 3 times.

Of course, if at any point in time those blue-nose harbingers of scuzz in the far corner pop up with anything, a simple rendition of "Who the ****** Hell Are You" will soon sort them out.

I'll not dictate any more to you. At this point the ground should be rocking. All you need to do is listen for the next instruction from your Commanding Officer. Whatever he sings, you join him and sing it loud and proud.

Field Marshall Harry, signing off.

Where will you be when all this is going on?:icecream:

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I reckon the ground really could be electric on sunday, Specially with brum in the away end.

Anyone planning to take scottish flags, ginger wigs, tartan etc? East end would look mental all in ginger wigs singing flower of scotland

Scottish flags, and singing an anti-English song?

Not for me thanks. I'll just support my club in the normal way :englandsmile4wf:

Red, English and proud

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