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The last time the Gas teetered on the brink they were only saved with a little help from the Halifax, could be Plymuff that keep them in the league this time.

Right, Time to send our best reserve players down there on loan to help keep them up

Clarky, Louis and Gerken all with 24 hour recalls and we'll pay the wages.

Or can we just get Akinde back and give him to the gas again?

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The last time the Gas teetered on the brink they were only saved with a little help from the Halifax, could be Plymuff that keep them in the league this time.

I maybe wrong but I thought the last time the sags diced with non league only one team went down from the basement league ?

Now there are two places up for grabs !

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I imagine that even though most of the players have family in the area a large portion of them should've walked out or asked for releases after not being paid for 3/4s of a year. There's a lot to be said of players wanting too much power over their contracts but this is a situation where a stand was desperately needed. Last night they looked like they deserved to be in the same division as Stourbridge, they've been burned out by the whole affair and looked utterly toothless. It would have sucked for the fans, yes, but it would've been better for the people in question to find work they'd get paid for and get the love of the game back, and it would've made an opening for local youth to come in and improve. They just did not care last night, and the FA Cup was the best chance for some good money this year.

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Their bubble has well and truly *POPPED* They'll be *popping* into FGR, and whats the betting FGR fans think they are arrogant ***** before long....

I always knew their arrogant fans would get payback. Greengob, Ivy etc etc, where the **** are you now......*popped* out for a slice of humble pie?

although the whole situation Muff are in is ****** scary, I reckon at least half of the 72 league clubs and 12 Prem sides could go the same way, INCLUDING us....

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