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Gas Land

Bobby kellard hero

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Well they are 5 points away from relegation out of the football league. Their next two games are against the teams below them, both of which could if they win these games leap frog Rovers..... I cannot see Plymouth winning their next couple of games, but if they did Rovers would be in the relegation zone. If you think our league position is bad just imagine being in the same position but instead of relegation you disappear into the nether regions of football....

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St Johnstone fan in ignorance...why are they called the gas?


Gasometer can be seen far right behind the stand. The opposing part of the ground is where we (as away fans) stood and from this point the gasometer was almost directly behind the gasheads.

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Have you seen this e-petition set up by a Torquay fan ?


We, the undersigned, being of sound mind and body (mostly), urge the board of Bristol Rovers Football Club - address: Hovering Near League 2 Relegation Zone - to take whatever measures that they can to ensure that First Team Manager Paul Buckle is retained; at least until the end of the 2011/2012 Football League Season.

We feel that Buckle's hilarious post-match comments, misplaced arrogance, and undeserved ego are way too entertaining not to be front and centre over the coming months. Furthermore, we assert that the minority of Bristol Rovers fans who still somehow believe their club to be something other than the lower league fodder their history confirms them to be could use a reality check.

Starting at Forest Green in 2012.

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Have you seen this e-petition set up by a Torquay fan ?


We, the undersigned, being of sound mind and body (mostly), urge the board of Bristol Rovers Football Club - address: Hovering Near League 2 Relegation Zone - to take whatever measures that they can to ensure that First Team Manager Paul Buckle is retained; at least until the end of the 2011/2012 Football League Season.

We feel that Buckle's hilarious post-match comments, misplaced arrogance, and undeserved ego are way too entertaining not to be front and centre over the coming months. Furthermore, we assert that the minority of Bristol Rovers fans who still somehow believe their club to be something other than the lower league fodder their history confirms them to be could use a reality check.

Starting at Forest Green in 2012.

What a happy end to2011! saints win, City win and a good laugh at the Gas!!

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I went on there the other day and they actually had a genuine thread that was basically saying "so what is it that makes us such fantastic, respected football fans?". They truly believe that they are admired by other clubs supporters as some kind of footballing national treasure.

Faithful and true, apparently...except when they are losing. Deluded, self obsessed hypocrites.

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