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Pie Eater

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After watching all the Rugby lately I was wondering why they dont allow the physio on during play.

This would stop players feining injury (if the ref was no conned) and speed up the game.

Also if there was a serious injury the physios would not have to wait for permission from the ref.

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Its a good point but what you have to take into account is that rugby is a much more expansive game so great periods of the game can pass in one area of the pitch and therefore the physio can administer treatment. This is not always the case in football where a physio would be a lot more in the way than in rugby.

I have seen an incident where a physio got caught up in the play while giving treatment and ended up at the bottom of a ruck. Following that, the other teams phsyio had to come on and treat the physio.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I've never understood how any self respecting footballer could act like a complete I love you - Holding their faces at the slightest touch, diving ect. How do they sleep?

If I saw a City player dive I'd swear at him, simply for bringing shame to the badge.

Football has alot to learn from rugby, and maybe if ref's weren't so strict the game would be better and players wouldn't cheat

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I've never understood how any self respecting footballer could act like a complete I love you - Holding their faces at the slightest touch, diving ect.  How do they sleep?

If I saw a City player dive I'd swear at him, simply for bringing shame to the badge.

Funny that as i do the same, the one thing that pees me off more than anything else is when a player goes to ground after the slightest touch and makes a complete a/s/s of himself with his screams of pain, but a minute later can miraculously walk again, and the leg break has mysteriously healed. :Rage:

Johnny Foreigner brought this to our game along with diving and it's something the young kids of this country seem to be doing more and more of, it's embarrasing and annoying, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. :Rage:

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Guest east_dundry_red

I have seen an incident where a physio got caught up in the play while giving treatment and ended up at the bottom of a ruck. Following that, the other teams phsyio had to come on and treat the physio.

That is down to poor refereeing. The rules of rugby are if play gets to close to a player reciving treat ment the game must be stopped. 9 times out of 10 a scrum will be given to the attacking team.

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I've never understood how any self respecting footballer could act like a complete I love you - Holding their faces at the slightest touch, diving ect. How do they sleep?

Like Rivaldo in the last world cup? Stood waiting for the ball to be passed to him so that he could take a corner. Had the ball kicked to him, and it hit him on the leg. He collapsed on the ground holding his face, getting the player sent off.

Can't remember who Brazil were playing, someone like China?

How does he sleep? Quite well I expect in his large mansion with his millions. Wouldn't you :rolleyes:

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I've never understood how any self respecting footballer could act like a complete I love you - Holding their faces at the slightest touch, diving ect.  How do they sleep?

Simple really. Teams need a level playing field to compete. If the other team is going to gain an advantage by diving, they can't afford to lose out just to be sportsmanlike. Sadly, there's too much money at stake for such things to come into the equation these days. If City were on the verge of winning a title and it depended on Miller going to ground for a penalty, can you honestly say you'd not want him to go down? I'm afraid I would. We've all screamed for penalties from the stands when we know it was nothing of the sort. So we're all cheats really.

How do they sleep at night? Well I guess the satin sheets and luxury therapeutic matresses which they can afford to buy with the money they win from going to ground helps.

And English players are as bad as foreigners these days. Sure we used to joke at Klinsmann, but you'd be hard pressed to collar an international for diving more often than Owen. But of course, it gets glossed over when it's 'one of ours'.

It does make me embarrassed to see a City player dive, but over the years we've had a few who should have collected more Oscars than Jack Nicholson. And if it wins a penalty, who amongst us would boo it? We just come to terms with our consciences by seeing it as evening out the bad luck when we get bad decisions called against us.

In fact, if truth be known when we've had particularly cocky away crowds, I have actually been known to find it MORE satisfying if we get a penalty like that, knowing the away fans will go away feeling the agony of knowing they were hard done by. Sorry. Not nice, I know, but true. I can't believe I'm the only one who feels like that. At least I'm being honest.

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I have to agree with 99% of what has been said here.

When players go down for the slightest touches it gets right on my nerves expecially if the ref gives the free kick. You see rugby players with cuts on their heads and a face full of blood and they just carry on playing like nothing has happened. Yet football players jump next to eachother and because one eprson touches the other shoulder slightly its a foul. Football players should toughen up a bit maybe if the rules were changed so only bad fouls are given and not poncy little things, players would be more resistant to injuries so small things wouldn't put them out of the game for long periods of time. Then in the long run due to smaller amounts of injuries and less money being payed out to players who are not playing this would drastically ruduce the amount of money "wasted" in football.

As for diving to be honest i find it rather fuuny, but it is very wrong and while I'm in fits of laughter from blatent dives I'm frustrated at the blatent cheating involved.

Harder roles should be put in place, if you go down and claim for a penalty or free kick the ref either has to give it or send you off. If they later find out it wasn't a dive then the card gets recinded, if you get found guilty an immediate 3 match ban put in place and a fine. Cheating has to be stamped out of football as does the "poncyness" of it. What a game it would be if players got taken down from a very strong tackle but instead of rolling around on the floot crying they get up and chase down the ball and win it with an equally strong tackle. :how funny: Ah the joy of dreams!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

. "If City were on the verge of winning a title and it depended on Miller going to ground for a penalty, can you honestly say you'd not want him to go down? "

That is a very interesting point. Us football fans are very hypocritical and If it meant us winning the title then my morals would go out the window. Would it make the victory hollow though?

The game as a whole is under alot of pressure at the moment, and youngsters do see these stars diving. Sky will replay it 5 times just to get it into peoples head that it was a dive, and it won a penalty.

Rivaldos display against Turkey was the most extreme show of cheating. Did FIFA ban him? Should have, with TV cameras no one is safe from being caught out, and they should be.

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