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Very true but almost certainly fueled by the way LFC have dealt with but not managed the Suarez incident with any credit and playing the victims has backfired.

Exactly. By condoning Suarez's racist abuse they have encouraged the pond life elements in their crowd to behave as they did towards the Oldham lad last night. Dalgleish comes out of all of this especially badly, someone I used to have a huge amount of respect for.

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Exactly. By condoning Suarez's racist abuse they have encouraged the pond life elements in their crowd to behave as they did towards the Oldham lad last night. Dalgleish comes out of all of this especially badly, someone I used to have a huge amount of respect for.

Totally agree with this but LFC will never take any responsibility, they never do. Horrible incidents were all never the club or fans fault: Suarez, Hillborough, Hysel. The club and it's fans are self- righteous and continually "hard done by". The FA should have charged them already over the disgraceful response to Suarez and should make them play a few games behind closed doors following this latest incident. The need to be forced to stop bleating.

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Liverpool will stand by these fans because in their country it's just a friendly term of banter.

By making sweeping statements about a section of people, whether based on their skin colour, or the football team they support, you're equally stupid.

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A couple of things, downendcity, that's a ridiculous post, u really think Liverpool don't have as many black players as other top clubs becos they are racist?

Second of all...sum1 said the player was 'abused by thousands becos of his skin' , he was abused by 2 fans.....now don't get me wrong its terrible n the fans shud be punished but any1 readin the post wud think the whole kop was racially chanting!

For the record , I'm a Liverpool fan n I think the club has handed the suarez situation atrociouslly, will Liverpool stick by these fans if they simply say 'i didn't do it' ?

I was not suggesting that Liverpool are a racist club at all and I'm certainly not suggesting they dont buy black players because of a racist attitude at the club. I was just questioning whether their response to the Suarez issue would have been different if they had more black players in their team - Johnson is the only first teamer I can think of .

I agree with your last comment, as Liverpool are in danger of looking hypocrytical if they come down hard on fans who are proved to have racially abused the Oldham player, when they previously gave their wholehearted support for Suarez. when he racially abused an opposition player.

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Totally agree with this but LFC will never take any responsibility, they never do. Horrible incidents were all never the club or fans fault: Suarez, Hillborough, Hysel. The club and it's fans are self- righteous and continually "hard done by". The FA should have charged them already over the disgraceful response to Suarez and should make them play a few games behind closed doors following this latest incident. The need to be forced to stop bleating.

Perhaps fans charged over this latest incident should be put on an FA blacklist. :whistle2:

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So after the Suarez saga you would've though that Liverpool and some of their fans would know better.

Today in the FA Cup 3rd round tie between Liverpool and Oldham 20 year old Tom Adeyemi suffered racist abuse from Liverpool fans and ended up breaking into tears.

Absolute disgrace. What is it with people these days?! Why do they feel the need to make such disgusting remarks to an innoncent human being?

Also, Stan Collymore has also been suffering from racist comments on twitter. Feel sorry for him. All he does is give out opinions, no abuse and gets racist comments back.

So racism is back in football and back in the UK. Something's go to be done about this.

you should work for the sun. a couple of isolated incidents do not mean it's back.

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OMG, i can't believe how many people are suckered into what is spoon fed to them by the media!

Same thing applied to the Barnsley/Billy Sharp story where it was reported that 'Barnsley fans sang disrespectful songs about Billy Sharps deceased son'

The true story was one fan was seen to be doing this and was quickly shouted down by supporters around him.

Suddenly now we have the Liverpool team and all its supporters branded as racist.

Maybe some of you should get to know some journalists and realize what a bunch of bull shitting scumbags they are

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OMG, i can't believe how many people are suckered into what is spoon fed to them by the media!

Same thing applied to the Barnsley/Billy Sharp story where it was reported that 'Barnsley fans sang disrespectful songs about Billy Sharps deceased son'

The true story was one fan was seen to be doing this and was quickly shouted down by supporters around him.

Suddenly now we have the Liverpool team and all its supporters branded as racist.

Maybe some of you should get to know some journalists and realize what a bunch of bull shitting scumbags they are

A post criticising sweeping generalisations, Rounded off by a sweeping generalisation.


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the pc brigade would have a field day watching the dambusters currently on itv4

black labrador dog

not saying his name

A mate of mine had a black labrador with the same name ! Mind you it was about 30 years ago.

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OMG, i can't believe how many people are suckered into what is spoon fed to them by the media!

Same thing applied to the Barnsley/Billy Sharp story where it was reported that 'Barnsley fans sang disrespectful songs about Billy Sharps deceased son'

The true story was one fan was seen to be doing this and was quickly shouted down by supporters around him.

Suddenly now we have the Liverpool team and all its supporters branded as racist.

Maybe some of you should get to know some journalists and realize what a bunch of bull shitting scumbags they are

People are not commenting on what has happened, but on what has been reported.

That's not being suckered in.

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Totally agree with this but LFC will never take any responsibility, they never do. Horrible incidents were all never the club or fans fault: Suarez, Hillborough, Hysel. The club and it's fans are self- righteous and continually "hard done by". The FA should have charged them already over the disgraceful response to Suarez and should make them play a few games behind closed doors following this latest incident. The need to be forced to stop bleating.

I would encourage you, for your own safety, to never repeat those views up here!

Suarez - we simply don't know but it DOES look likely that LFC handled this very badly

Heysel - for sure, AFAIK, that WAS the fault of Liverpool fans and it is a crime that those responsible were never brought to justice, BUT....

Hillsborough? Sorry, bang out of order. The Sun said pretty much what you have said here and have been proven to be liars. The idea that Hillsborough was the sole fault of Liverpool fans has now been disproven. Do you rememeber a few years ago when we were there and top of the league? It was 5 to 3, there were thousands of us still outside (as I say, glory hunters cos we were top of the league) SWFC had just two turnstiles open and there was a desperate push to get inbefore kick off. SWFC learnt nothing from that day.

WRT the actual topic on here of racism and LFC, I have been to Anfield many times and sat all around the ground and can honestly say I have NEVER heard anything racial being said. I have heard plenty of VERY colourful Anglo-Saxon of course (but no more than I have heard at Ashton Gate). Let's get some perspective here people;

1) Racism is WRONG, simple as. It is NEVER justified

2) This message has now, gotten across to nearly everyone.

3) What happened to the Oldham kiddie was as wrong as it is possible for something to be, it should not have happened and it would be wonderful if it never happened again, BUT

4) It was TWO people, not 'thousands' as stated earlier in this thread.

The racism argument has, for the most part been won, but anyone who thinks that, in a full house at Ashton Gate you would NEVER get a City fan shouting something racist (or something that was putrid in some other way), is kidding themselves.

Please let us not get carried away by sanctimony. BTW, back to the Suarez thing, it is alleged that Evra was calling Suarez a lot of names that were, at best, misogenistic - this has gone largely unreported. It would seem that the women's rights movement has some work to do to catch up with the anti-racism lobby as it would seem that women-hating is not as serious a crime.

I think the upshot of the Suarez thing is that neither Suarez nor Evra are particularly nice people. Footballers are millionares by age 20 nowadays, are spoilt, pampered and, as a consequence, soon learn they are untouchable. PL Managers do not help matters, Ferguson stirs whatever pot he feels gives him a short-term advantage, Wenger (who never 'sees' anything when his player is in the wrong but 'sees' it in 3D cinemascope when his player is the victim) Warnock - everyone else is a cheat but not him etc etc etc. Like many on here though, I am disappointed with Dalgleish, I don't know why, but I thought he was better than that.

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If a bunch of louts had been screaming racial abuse at a young bloke going about his work in a shop or on the street, the police would quite rightly have arrested them and they would have been cautioned or if they had previous maybe prosecuted. Why is it different if it happens at a football ground and the young bloke is going about his lawful work? Furthermore the abuse was sustained for a long period of time and included foul language. If not the police why didn't the stewards do something about it? These people were committing a criminal act and should have been thrown out at the very least. If it happened at the gate, I would hope they would.

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My point is that Liverpool have never acknowledged any responsibility for hillsborough. The authorities made big mistakes but I've never heard anyone from. Liverpool acknowledge that the "fans" who entered without tickets were equally in the wrong. Anyway that's too far into a different subject and genuinely sorry if my view caused any offence.

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Slightly off topic, but someone raised the Diane Abbott comments.

Read this article on the Mail yesterday, dont know why i expected better from that poor excuse of a paper http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2083648/Diane-apologise-ask-King-Leopold-s-Ghost.html

According to this woman "The difference is that black and Asian people have every right to be racist, given our past form."

Ahh makes it ok then, what an idiot!

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Slightly off topic, but someone raised the Diane Abbott comments.

Read this article on the Mail yesterday, dont know why i expected better from that poor excuse of a paper http://www.dailymail...ld-s-Ghost.html

According to this woman "The difference is that black and Asian people have every right to be racist, given our past form."

Ahh makes it ok then, what an idiot!

I have wondered for quite a while now if some of the "isms" are a one-way street. For example, on TV, if a woman says 'all men are stupid' it is NOT sexist. If a man says 'all women are stupid' it is. Ditto, many people were phoning Nicky Campbell last week on 5Live pretty well saying that Diane Abbott's remarks weren'r racist because 'white people ARE awful aren't they (I'm paraphrasing, but you get my gist). I find this argument to be fatuous and totally depressing. 'Isms' only have any power if they are absolute and all inclusive. i.e. you CANNOT abuse someone because of the colour of their skin, even if their Great Great Grandfather WAS a Colonialist Scumbag - sins of the fathers and all that. There are many things my forebears did that were awful, I do not apologise for them, nor condone them but also it does not mean I am like them. Totally depressing that some people think that selective racism is OK 'cos White people USED to be nasty. Two wrongs never did, and never will, make a right

Like you said though Marcus, I suppose it WAS the Daily Mail.

EDIT: Sorry, got to the end of my rant and realised there wasn't a single thing in this post that merits it's inclusion in a 'Footbal forum' so, uh, err, um, 'Andy D'Urso eh? What's he all about'? (Phew, got away with it).

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My point is that Liverpool have never acknowledged any responsibility for hillsborough. The authorities made big mistakes but I've never heard anyone from. Liverpool acknowledge that the "fans" who entered without tickets were equally in the wrong. Anyway that's too far into a different subject and genuinely sorry if my view caused any offence.

it's a very sensitive subject, obviously. Dare I say it though, you are right.

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