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Dean Windass


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Ok then, so how should I feel? What should I say? What people don't seem to want to understand is that bad/sad/unfortunate things happen to people every day. There is nothing we can do about that. You think saying a few nice things on a forum will cure Windass? I said it's bad for him and his family, I can't do or say anything else. I can't offer him any help, I'm not a doctor. A high percentage of people will suffer from one illness or another, that is just how life is.

It's more the fact you chose to compare him to your mate, went out of your way to say you didn't feel sorry for him, then went on ti intimate your mates depression was in some way better/worse because he hadn't had a great life and spent lots of money!

Perhaps a better course of action would have been to say nowt in the first place than try and back track with waffle concerning the ills in the world.

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Nothing pc about it. It's not any of your business, my business, anyone's business other than his loved ones. All this bs on forums guessing, all the crap in the papers. Maybe for once in peoples shallow lives they should let the poor family grieve and try and get on with their life without rumour innuendo and other half truths Bering spouted on forums and in the media.

I am sick to death of people wanting to know all the ins and outs of peoples lives they do not know.

Don't take this as a rant at you, it is a generalised rant at the way society is going today.

I agree that the need to know details is quite a sickening aspect to the 'celebrity society' we have had for the last 10-15 years but I would also say that in serious incidents like depression and suicide it can be very helpful for plebs like you and I to be educated.

With Speeds suicide (Though we don't actually know that he was depressed) and sufferers like Collymore and Windass we are seeing a lot more discussion and acknowledgement of the illness in the media (See Freddie's programme) and in general conversation (It's become another Forum fave with racism). Whilst a number of the opinions expressed in these discussions are ill-informed and ignorant to what is a debilitating and awful illness it is important that those views are countered with arguments so that they can be educated.

Depression can get anyone at any time regardless of money, health, good-fortune or any other factor. In a lot of cases you cannot control it if it rears its head and it can only be treated with medication, It is not a weakness and the strength Windass has shown in coming out to the public (Which on a personal level must be very difficult for him) is helping a wider group of depressed people by creating a more educated and tolerant society.

I pray to God that those who have displayed no sympathy for sufferers like Windass never themselves fall into it.

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I agree that the need to know details is quite a sickening aspect to the 'celebrity society' we have had for the last 10-15 years but I would also say that in serious incidents like depression and suicide it can be very helpful for plebs like you and I to be educated.

With Speeds suicide (Though we don't actually know that he was depressed) and sufferers like Collymore and Windass we are seeing a lot more discussion and acknowledgement of the illness in the media (See Freddie's programme) and in general conversation (It's become another Forum fave with racism). Whilst a number of the opinions expressed in these discussions are ill-informed and ignorant to what is a debilitating and awful illness it is important that those views are countered with arguments so that they can be educated.

Depression can get anyone at any time regardless of money, health, good-fortune or any other factor. In a lot of cases you cannot control it if it rears its head and it can only be treated with medication, It is not a weakness and the strength Windass has shown in coming out to the public (Which on a personal level must be very difficult for him) is helping a wider group of depressed people by creating a more educated and tolerant society.

I pray to God that those who have displayed no sympathy for sufferers like Windass never themselves fall into it.

Oh don't get me wrong, it is good depression is being talked about. But like you say, it has never been confirmed that depression caused speeds suicide. People just want to know why he died. For what reason? If he wanted people to know he would have sent a mail to media outlets. The way people think they have the right to poke their noses into the private life of someone just because they are famous sickens me.

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I noticed you quoted me so I'll answer back. Depression is bad, I understand that. I gave details of my experience dealing with it from a friend of mine. There's no need to get on your high horse just because some people don't think the same as you! People suffer and die every minute of every day and most of the ways are a lot more worse than depression. There's no point in living your life telling people what's right and what's wrong. We live in a crappy world and we're all going to have bad times and eventually die. The point I was trying to make at the start is that Dean Windass had a very good first 40 years of life. Yes he's suffering now and it's terrible for him and his family but what about all the other people suffering out there? What about all the people murdered today in the big wide world? All the kids that suffer abuse? All the people killed in wars? Unfortunately we can't deal with each case and feel sorry for every single person out there. At least Windass had some happy times, millions of other people haven't been so lucky.

Put things into perspective and have a word with yourself.

But from what you wrote about your friend and Windass it sounds like you missed the point . You said that your friend had not had nice cars and clothes etc etc whereas Windass had so you feel less empathy for him? The whole point is that money and possessions and living your dream does not protect you from depression and all suffer the same. It sounds to me like you just dont believe that someone like Windass or Gary speed for that matter could possibly suffer like your friend simply because they are/were rich??

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It's more the fact you chose to compare him to your mate, went out of your way to say you didn't feel sorry for him, then went on ti intimate your mates depression was in some way better/worse because he hadn't had a great life and spent lots of money!

Perhaps a better course of action would have been to say nowt in the first place than try and back track with waffle concerning the ills in the world.

Interesting. Firstly I said I find it hard to feel sorry for him which is true, I don't know him, never met him so why should there be any personal connection? Which brings me on to your second point. To me, my mates depression was worse. Why? because I was involved on a personal level. I saw the evils of it first hand, so obvioulsy to me, his was worse. Obviously depression is the same on the grand scheme of things but we can't feel the same way about every case.

Again we have someone trying to tell others what to say or do. All I did was make a point, my point, my view and stuck with it. I didn't back track on anything, my original point stays. Just because you don't feel the same you suggest that I shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

Maybe I'll give it ago. If you read something you don't agree with, then maybe you should just ignore it? Don't quote it then point your own valid point across, that's how arguements start.

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But from what you wrote about your friend and Windass it sounds like you missed the point . You said that your friend had not had nice cars and clothes etc etc whereas Windass had so you feel less empathy for him? The whole point is that money and possessions and living your dream does not protect you from depression and all suffer the same. It sounds to me like you just dont believe that someone like Windass or Gary speed for that matter could possibly suffer like your friend simply because they are/were rich??

Believe me I get your point. Depression is depression, no matter who you are. My original point was I find it hard to feel sorry for him which is true. I'm an honest person. I don't like to patronise people. For me my friends depression was worse because it was my friend. I know what you mean about money, fame, cars etc and yes maybe I was wrong to link what he has to his situation now. I know that now Windass won't give to s***ts about what he's achieve in life because that's how depression gets you. I do totally understand that. When I said that he had a good first 40 years, well that's true. I wasn't saying the fact that he had a good life so there for his depression isn't as important as my friends, what I meant was at least he had those good times. They can't be taken away. They will always be there. It's like if someone dies when they are 90. People would say "oh well at least they had a good life" is that wrong or right? Dean Windass is ill but at least he had some good times in life.

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This Thread is depressing :)

Alcoholism and or depression don't discriminate.

and to the guy who had a mate..

My mate had a dog and used to let me take it for a walk, now I know all about dogs...different breeds and everything, based purely on my experience of walking one dog.

a dogs a dog, but no two dogs are exactly the same

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Don't get how anyone can feel sorry for him. He is feeling sorry for hmself, end of!

If someone wanted to kill themselves they would do it the first time, let alone try again and fail!

Nothing more than look at me and feel sorry for me because I messed up with my family and now I'm alone and want some attention

You are a *****, how do I know? Because what you wrote on here. Am I right or did I just make something up on the spot with no foundation.

By the way, you are not a *****, well you maybe, I don't know you :)

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Don't get how anyone can feel sorry for him. He is feeling sorry for hmself, end of!

If someone wanted to kill themselves they would do it the first time, let alone try again and fail!

Nothing more than look at me and feel sorry for me because I messed up with my family and now I'm alone and want some attention

You either don't understand or your a complete **** to say that

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You are a *****, how do I know? Because what you wrote on here. Am I right or did I just make something up on the spot with no foundation.

By the way, you are not a *****, well you maybe, I don't know you :)

I don't know what you called me as I can't see it but your probably right.

However it doesn't change the fact that he tried to commit suicide twice and never. Tells you all you need to know

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Don't get how anyone can feel sorry for him. He is feeling sorry for hmself, end of!

If someone wanted to kill themselves they would do it the first time, let alone try again and fail!

Nothing more than look at me and feel sorry for me because I messed up with my family and now I'm alone and want some attention

Hope it never happens to you or your family, good luck determined view.

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I don't know what you called me as I can't see it but your probably right.

However it doesn't change the fact that he tried to commit suicide twice and never. Tells you all you need to know

Didn't fail to hit the back of the net against us though!

To me sounds like a cry for help, if you really want to kill yourself you will.

Let's hope for his sake, which ever route he has decided to take, it stops him doing it properly.

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Already has happened to a member of my family and I said exactly the same thing to him.

Don't see why people can't have an opinion on this unless its a sympathetic one?!

Opinions are welcome from all. However I think it's a narrow minded one unless you actually understand what depression really is like. I myself in the past have been naive enough to think it was something as simple as attention seeking, or people over reacting etc or something that you can shrug off. Believe me it is a horrible horrible illness. Good luck with it Deano, he broke my heart and I still always think about that day/dream season but I hope he comes out the other end!

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Opinions are welcome from all. However I think it's a narrow minded one unless you actually understand what depression really is like. I myself in the past have been naive enough to think it was something as simple as attention seeking, or people over reacting etc or something that you can shrug off. Believe me it is a horrible horrible illness. Good luck with it Deano, he broke my heart and I still always think about that day/dream season but I hope he comes out the other end!

Sorry I fail to see how my view is narrow minded. If I wanted to kill myself now I could go and do it, likewise anyone could.

The fact he done it twice shows he was never actually going to do it and is now giving a story to make everyone feel sorry for him.

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Sorry I fail to see how my view is narrow minded. If I wanted to kill myself now I could go and do it, likewise anyone could.

The fact he done it twice shows he was never actually going to do it and is now giving a story to make everyone feel sorry for him.

I don't necessarily mean to that side of things. I think in terms of the illness that is depression people are narrow minded and don't realize the full extent of it until it has touched their lives.

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Oh don't get me wrong, it is good depression is being talked about. But like you say, it has never been confirmed that depression caused speeds suicide. People just want to know why he died. For what reason? If he wanted people to know he would have sent a mail to media outlets. The way people think they have the right to poke their noses into the private life of someone just because they are famous sickens me.

I agree entirely, I watched a couple of the Leveson inquiry interviews and was amazed at some of the stories that were deemed as 'newsworthy'. I do wonder whether it's the editors or the consumer who are to blame? Why do people find seeing peoples privates lives splashed across the internet and newspapers entertaining?

Still, positives are that the issue of depression and tolerance finds its way to the forefront of discussions!

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I agree entirely, I watched a couple of the Leveson inquiry interviews and was amazed at some of the stories that were deemed as 'newsworthy'. I do wonder whether it's the editors or the consumer who are to blame? Why do people find seeing peoples privates lives splashed across the internet and newspapers entertaining?

Still, positives are that the issue of depression and tolerance finds its way to the forefront of discussions!

I agree, I never have and never will understand why people in this country are so obsessed with peoples private life's!

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I agree entirely, I watched a couple of the Leveson inquiry interviews and was amazed at some of the stories that were deemed as 'newsworthy'. I do wonder whether it's the editors or the consumer who are to blame? Why do people find seeing peoples privates lives splashed across the internet and newspapers entertaining?

Still, positives are that the issue of depression and tolerance finds its way to the forefront of discussions!

Jordan you are a educated person Leveson inquiry is a waste of money, Red tops are getting there ass kick, don't do this no more, they have had Piers Morgan, Clavin what's is name who used to run the Sun and i watched both interviews sometimes they were asking the leading questions the all enquiry is a joke and costing the tax payer money.

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I agree, I never have and never will understand why people in this country are so obsessed with peoples private life's!

How is it their 'private' lives when they come out wanting to spread it all over the internet or newspaper?

If you want the high life you have to accept what goes with it. If things go well they want to tell people so why shouldn't they if things go bad?

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How is it their 'private' lives when they come out wanting to spread it all over the internet or newspaper?

If you want the high life you have to accept what goes with it. If things go well they want to tell people so why shouldn't they if things go bad?

That wasn't referring to Dean Windass. If you read above it was in response to people wanting to know about the ins and outs of Gary Speed's death. Why people would be so interested to know all the details is beyond me.

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I agree entirely, I watched a couple of the Leveson inquiry interviews and was amazed at some of the stories that were deemed as 'newsworthy'. I do wonder whether it's the editors or the consumer who are to blame? Why do people find seeing peoples privates lives splashed across the internet and newspapers entertaining?

Still, positives are that the issue of depression and tolerance finds its way to the forefront of discussions!

Consumer, if people were not interested papers wouldn't sell.

I am sure many editors would rather concentrate on getting proper big stories which enhance credibility, unfortunately money talks, and sex and scandal sell

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Jordan you are a educated person Leveson inquiry is a waste of money, Red tops are getting there ass kick, don't do this no more, they have had Piers Morgan, Clavin what's is name who used to run the Sun and i watched both interviews sometimes they were asking the leading questions the all enquiry is a joke and costing the tax payer money.

You're probably right Red, I was simply commenting that having seen some of the interviews I was amazed to see what constituted news. It's quite an important issue, Media ethics. I think journalism has lost focus, it should be a tool for good and for justice but it has become a vicious celebrity obsessed joke.

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Consumer, if people were not interested papers wouldn't sell.

I am sure many editors would rather concentrate on getting proper big stories which enhance credibility, unfortunately money talks, and sex and scandal sell

Murdoch has been running this country sport wise for years, the meetings with the PM, not just Cameron will come to light one day, he had Brown & Blair in his pocket as well and the ginger bird i don't need to mention here he (cameron) was licking her ass from college days.

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