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Steve Lansdown To Speak On Local Radio

Never to the dark side

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anyone listen? what did he have to say

Adam tweeted some snippets:

"Glad we've got a decision, it was expected. Easy option not to be controversial and now we see how Council deal with it."

"The Council were well advised and feel done they did the appropriate job. It's up to them to prove that is correct."

"I know it'll take a long time to get there. I won't jack it in...but I can't tell you how long it will take."

"At Brighton it took them 14 years. Hopefully it won't be as long for us, it's been five so far. We won't give up."

Nice one Steve :englandsmile4wf:

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anyone listen? what did he have to say

Missed the first bit but

He is in for the long haul but can see it being built in 2 years.

Has nothing against the people of Ashton Vale and accused the Green Party and other green groups of using the Ashton Vale people for their own objectives. Fed up they hide behind this. Aslo mentioned LAPC.

Tried not to laugh when listening to a clip (presumably the same who Tom listened to this am) of some Nimby crackpot going on about stealing land

Re-iterated that is quite obvious that no argument about use of the green but anti development only (aforementioned Nimby nutter's quote above backing this up)

Confident in general.

Was asked how he felt that the gas may have a stadium first. Ultimately wished them luck as the city needs good facilities.

Hope this helps

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How can so few be allowed and assisted to make things difficult for so many!?

Good on you Mr Lansdown. You're a better man then me.

Talk about headbutting a brick wall.......

Better man than me too, If I had his money I don't know where I would stop the revenge I would certainly take out.

The gypos would already be there...

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If we were an NFL team in the USA, Lansdown would have told Bristol where to go and would take the franchise to a town/city that was prepared to provide the right facilities and backing.

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SL was excellent,came across very determined without sounding cocky, also made reference to fighting an enemy he cant see and would prefer it if the groups he believes(allegedly) are truly funding and are behind this stalling tactic would make themselves known, hes not going to give up and a large part of me knows that we will have a new stadium, may take slightly longer than anticipated but make no mistake nimbys- IT IS COMING !!

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