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Big Brother


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I pretty much switched off when that Marco chap walked in - the first one. I instantly knew that if I sat and watched Big Brother I would be spitting bile at him.

To the second chap that came in: "oh my god! Wow! It's so cool, we're like the first two people in here! Oh my god!!" :city:

If I was the second guy I would have legged it (the thought of "I have to live here with this squeeling guy?!?" would be springing in my mind)

Although I did see that bloke in the thong :(

I know this sounds bad, but he made me butter my bread on both sides.... the way that is put makes my girlfriend laugh endlessly... I'll explain...

I was in the kitchen buttering some sadnwiches when my girlfriend's mum says "oh good god". I walk in to see what she is talking about, mutter something about trying to get publicity and start buttering the bread. I didn't realise that in my confusion I had turned the bread back over and was buttering the other side... needless to say I had a buttery hand after eating my sandwiches :me?:

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it is total utter rubbish trash tv at its worst in my opinion. First one mildly interesting from a novelty kind of way- now it is just manufactured junk.

If you want to see how people live just go stay with a mate for a few weeks. Talk to people.

The only reason I can see why so many people STILL watch it is because there is such media hype now people feel they need to know what's going on. It's cheap, crap, pointless, uneducational rubbish that is wasting the time and brains of millions of British people who could be out doing something constructive with their time.

I am all for relaxing- but not spending hours and hours infront of a tv watching the dullest tv possible.

Just my opinion but there you go.

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It's cheap, crap, pointless, uneducational rubbish that is wasting the time and brains of millions of British people who could be out doing something constructive with their time.

Thats the best definition of Big Brother ive heard.
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