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Blue Flag On The City Shirt?


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What will those loons at the EU come up with next? I would not purchase an England or City shirt that included the flag of that corrupt, bankrupt bunch of free loaders.

The European Union is a hopelessly corrupt and criminal led organisation that costs the British taxpayer £60 million PER DAY in membership fees. Now they want their shitty blue logo on English football shirts ?????!!!! The sooner we leave the EU the better.

Patriots burning the EU flag.... :worship2: .....


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The European Union is a hopelessly corrupt and criminal led organisation that costs the British taxpayer £60 million PER DAY in membership fees. Now they want their shitty blue logo on English football shirts ?????!!!! The sooner we leave the EU the better.

Patriots burning the EU flag.... :worship2: .....


I do find it sinister when people burn flags, books etc.

Going back to the op, no where in that report it's mentions club team wearing EU flag so it is some what misleading to claim so.

The report wants EU badge on national team shirts . I don't agree with this, England does not wear a British flag so why should we have a EU flag? This MEP trying to get headlines.

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I do find it sinister when people burn flags, books etc.

Going back to the op, no where in that report it's mentions club team wearing EU flag so it is some what misleading to claim so.

The report wants EU badge on national team shirts . I don't agree with this, England does not wear a British flag so why should we have a EU flag? This MEP trying to get headlines.

No one complains when Guy Fawkes effigies are burned so why is it sinister to burn EU flags ??!!! The EU is illegal in this country as it has no democratic electoral mandate.

The flag burning ceremony below was, actually, a reaction to last year's Brussels 'EU Flag Rule' where big fines could be levied if our public buildings failed to mark Europe Day.

This year I'll also be marking the EU's Europe Day by burning an EU flag. :photo: ......


The photo above really warms my heart, just as I can imagine warming my hands over those lovely synthetic-fabric flames. There’s nothing quite so cozy as a brightly burning EU flag.

Those fellows may be in serious violation of EU laws, however. Especially if they are government employees: they may even be required to kiss that flag rather than burn it.

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What will those loons at the EU come up with next? I would not purchase an England or City shirt that included the flag of that corrupt, bankrupt bunch of free loaders.

dont know about a blue flag, I just wish someone would remove the white flag our players are waving every game these days!

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