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Kettering Town - A Plea For Help!


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Kettering Town FC have still not received over £200,000 in outstanding sponsorship from DRC Locums - overdue since last year.

As a result their players and suppliers have not been paid and many people are being evicted from their homes. The club faces a winding up petition on 6th February and after 140yrs history the club could be liquidated.

If you have the opportunity please:

1. Sign the online petition urging DRC Locums to make payment:

http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-kettering-town-fc/ and/or

2. Forward this email to your friends, work colleagues and other football lovers and/or

3. Post a thread on your fans forum and/or

4. Paste to facebook/twitter and/or

Many thanks.

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Do you know the full story on this? I understand that the chairman of Kettering Town was the owner of DRC Locums when the sponsorship deal was signed and retains a 10% stake in the company. He is held in huge disregard by Kettering fans, who feels has no interest in the health and wellbeing of the football club he chairs, but is only in it to make what he can for himself. There is far more to this than meets the eye: whoever heard of a football club going to the wall because a sponsor wouldn't pay up??

There is a theory that the petition is a ruse by the chairman to shift attention from him, and move the blame for the financial mess the club is in to the sponsors. This petition looks very dubious indeed and I would caution against signing it without more information.

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I disagree with you! This situation does happen and I know this personally. When I lived in Spain my local football club was Fc Torrevieja who played in the 4th division, their shirts were sponsored by a large building and development company called Tecnologia Urbanistica. (Should have been renamed Banditos) This company owed over 20,000 euros and would not pay dispite protests and even club officials camping out at their offices, and their directors refusing to even see them. This went on for some time and the players were playing without payment and due to some players leaving as they couldn't afford to play for nothing, at times only the youth players were available for selection. The club was heading for relegation.

Fortunately the supporters club called the Torry Army with the help of the council managed to take over the club and saved them. The players had not been paid for months and it was getting near Christmas, so there was even a collection at several home matches and the players children at least had some presents. This eventually lead to the Torry Army running the club completely and they even have a new stadium to show for all the hard work and cash that was put in to the club by supporters and the local council. Things can work out if people are prepared to fight for their club and not give in to these crooks.

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still got my shirt ETR with them on it (must have shrunk in the wash though :bored: ), remember sat on the terracing watching them play Alicante on a sunday afternoon, 30 degrees and a pint in my hand - heaven mate!

Yes, those were the days. As I was a pensioner I only paid 5 euros and got to watch some good football, at least they use to play attacking football. Didn't see the new stadium finished as I left Spain as they were still building it, it was just across the road from the old one and closer to the main Alicante Highway. Perhaps one year I may have a holiday there and see whats going on. BTW their website if your interested used to be www.fctorrevieja.eu

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